- Current projects:
- An email signature generator that mismatches inspirational quotes and sources, plus a theme-appropriate gif, complete with HTML to plug in to your email client for an instant signature. Tired of misattributed quotes? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Think: "Do or do not. There is no try. -Socrates" (see pinned projects)
- Learning the Godot engine and GDScript to create games
JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, PHP
React, Node, Express
Pandas, NumPy
Jest, Cypress, Pytest, Unittest, TDD, BDD
Solo project built using Remix with TypeScript, plus MaterialUI. Inspired by misattributed quotes in email signatures -- generate a real quote (via a quote API) with a randomly attributed author, plus a thematic GIF (via Giphy). Get HTML you can paste into your email app to display your new signature and GIF.
Built using Next.js and TypeScript with a group of friends over a two-week sprint, Soup Swap helps you plan and organize soup swaps. My contributions were on the back end, creating a database to store users, groups, and recipes, and using supabase to provide authentication and authorization.
Solo project built with React to help members of Meetup group individually keep track of events. Log in, create events, add events to your wishlist, delete events from wishlist.
Solo project built with React, cloning basic Postman API testing functionality, with a cat sidekick.
Avatar is the artist's rendition of the Beast from a 1942 children's book of fairy tales that should never be read to children. I'm not actually a confusing illustration but judge for yourself on LinkedIn