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coala Enhancement Proposals

cEP 0000
Version 2.2
Title coala Enhancement Proposals
Authors Lasse Schuirmann
Status Active
Type Process


This cEP describes the introduction of cEP's (coala Enhancement Proposals) to the coala community.

cEP's are used to propose and discuss new major features. After specifying features with a cEP they should be implemented as specified. Unspecified features should not be implemented.

They are obviously inspired by PEP1.


As we all know, coala is written with a lower case c. The proper spelling of a cEP is cEP-[0-9]{4}([a-z])?, so cEP-#### or cEP-####x. A cEP may also be spelled as cEP-# , cEP-## or cEP-### in case the author wants to.

Invalid ways to express cEP specifications include CEP-####, cEP####, cep-####, Cep-####, CeP-#### and CEp-####.


cEP's are in place so features in coala will be designed before implementation. Implementing major features usually happens from a technical perspective and may lead to not well designed content - developer and user wise. This can especially save a lot of coding work when big features are written which are oftentimes not well enough designed initially.

This also makes sure, major features are properly documented.


Any cEP must at least hold the following information:

  • A metadata table in the header.
  • An abstract.

Further chapters may be added as needed.


The metadata table must hold the following items:

  • A cEP number. This number is final.
  • An optional letter after the cEP number to define sub-cEPs. This letter is also final. A sub-cEP must be related to an existing parent cEP and is only allowed if its content would inappropriately bloat the parent cEP.
  • A Version number. Initially proposed cEPs start with 0.1 and raise until they get accepted, which bumps the version to 1.0. They may be iterated upon using semantic versioning.
  • A Title.
  • The name(s) and e-mail address(es) of the Authors.
  • A Status which may be one of Proposed, Deferred, Implementation Due (for code changes), Active, Deprecated or Rejected.
  • A Type which may be one of Process or Feature.

The Process

Any process changes may be initiated by level B decisions as described in cEP-1.

Status: Proposed

cEP's can be proposed by any contributor. In order to propose cEP's a pull or merge request to the cEP git repository is done. The cEP may be reviewed like any usual coala pull request (level A decision) but must enter the repository with a Proposed state.

If a cEP is not merged it is invalid and has no state.

Follow up states are Deferred, Implementation Due, Active or Rejected.

Status: Deferred

A cEP may be deferred to a later time if it is considered too cumbersome to implement or depends on other work that is not ready yet.

Follow up states are Proposed.

Status: Implementation Due

Feature requests may be set to this state if they have been discussed and accepted but are not implemented yet.

Follow up states are Active or Rejected.

Status: Active

Any cEP may be in an active state which indicates that it's contents are valid, maintained and described features are implemented in the latest coala version.

Follow up states are Deprecated.

Status: Deprecated

A cEP may be marked deprecated if its contents are no longer useful to the community.

Status: Rejected

A cEP may be rejected if the community determines.

Follow up states are Proposed.

Patching cEP's

cEP's may be changed. If a cEP is changed, the version number has to be increased according to semantic versioning.

Patching a cEP to a higher version can be done with a B level decision.