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Optimizing coala for language server

cEP 0028
Version 0.1
Title Optimizing coala for language server
Authors Kilari Teja
Status Proposed
Type Process


This cEP describes the optimizations that need to be carried out to improve the performance of the coala based language server.


Language servers are the tools used to serve code editors with functionalities such as linting, code fixing, analysis etc in a standalone and independent manner. coala as a code style checker, linter and code fixer could be a powerful tool to be integrated into the code editor.

Code Editing is a continuous process and the editors are expected to provide feedback on the fly, coala on the other hand was primarily designed as an analysis tool to be used after an incremental update to the codebase. Thus, the current implementation of a coala language server is severely limited by coala's performance.

The performance of the server can be improved by primarily optimizing the coala and language server interface and improving the bear configuration options to avoid long running bears.


The optimization process focuses to maintain minimal changes to coala core and rather optimize the coala and language server interface. The following are the proposed ideas.

  • Section Tagging

    Some sections are not often required to be executed on every cycle of coala analysis especially during use cases such as this. The parameter set can thus be extended to support a new parameter named tags. Since these parameters are not associated with any particular bear but rather control the effect of various sections during executing coala, no support extension for bears would be necessary. These parameters enable support for hooking a section for a particular tag type. For example:

    tags = save, change
    enabled = True
    bears = SomeLongRunningBear

    This kind of a configuration will enable this section during analysis cycles of coala via a language server when a save or change request is raised while not impacting any untagged regular invocations.

    tags = save
    files = *.py
    bears = SomeLongRunningBear
    tags += change
    bears = SomeLongRunningBear

    This example shows a case where the sections inherit the tags and thereby longrunning.some runs on both save and change tagged execution cycles.

    To enable tagged executional support, coala-core needs to be extended and the existing --filter-by cli option will need to support runtime section filtering. A new filter will have to be introduced named section_tags. The execution of sections will then be based upon tags passed to --filter-by section_tags. This extension of support for tags would require at least the following changes:

    • coalib.parsing.filters.SectionTagsFilter

      Adds a new section filter to the to check if the section/bear should be enabled for a particular tag based invocation.

      def section_tags_filter(section_or_bear, args):
        Filters the bears or sections by ``tags``.
        :param section_or_bear: A section or bear instance on which filtering
                                needs to be carried out.
        :param args:            Set of tags on which it needs to be filtered.
        :return:                ``True`` if this instance matches the criteria
                                inside args, ``False`` otherwise.
        enabled_tags = list(map(str.lower, args))
        if len(enabled_tags) == 0:
          return True
        section = section_or_bear
        if hasattr(section_or_bear, 'section'):
          # If it is a bear or bear like object it has
          # to have an associated section which contains
          # all settings, including tags.
          section = section_or_bear.section
        section_tags = section.get('tags', False)
        if str(section_tags) == 'False':
          return False
        section_tags = map(str.lower, section_tags)
        return bool(set(section_tags) & set(enabled_tags))
    • coalib.coala_main.run_coala

      Enhance run_coala() to check if the corresponding tags of the sections are enabled.

      # Collect all the filters and try to filter sections
      filters = collect_filters(args, arg_list, arg_parser)
      if len(filters) > 0:
        all_sections = list(sections.values())
          filtered = apply_filters(filters, sections=all_sections)
          sections = OrderedDict(
              (, sect) for sect in filtered)
        except (InvalidFilterException, NotImplementedError) as ex:

    Supported Tags

    The following are the tags that shall be used by coala-ls to trigger sections that need to be run on corresponding request types, these tagged sections can also be used by any other editor plugin to serve similar functionality.

    • open: Tag group to execute during a open event on a file.

    • change: Tag group to execute during a change event on the project files in an editor.

    • save: Tag group to execute on a save event on the project files.

    • format: Tag group to execute when a formatting event is raised on a file.

  • Custom entry point into coala core

    Since coala core was not designed to be a long running process coalib does not provide a flexible entry point into it. To maximize the efficiency of coala language server, it will require an entry point that supports:

    • FileProxies: Not all changes on the editor are flushed to the disk, coala core will have to support processing file contents directly as opposed to files. This can be achieved using FileProxies which provide a gateway to files and their in-memory counterparts.

    Support for FileProxies can be introduced by extending FileCaches to additionally provide file content generating/reading methods. The following functions are core to the implementation and API of coala and need to be patched or extended to bring support for coala-ls.


      Addition of a FileProxy class.

      class FileProxy:
        ``FileProxy`` is responsible for providing access to
        contents of files and also provides methods to update
        the in memory content register of the said file.
        def __init__(self, filename, workspace=None, contents=''):
          Initialize the FileProxy instance with the passed
          parameters. A FileProxy instance always starts at
          a fresh state with a negative version indicating
          that no updating operation has been performed on it.
          :param filename:
            The name of the file to create a FileProxy of.
            The filename is internally normcased.
          :param workspace:
            The workspace/project this file belongs to.
            Can be None.
          :param contents:
            The contents of the file to initialize the
            instance with. Integrity of the content or the
            sync state is never checked during initialization.
          logging.debug('File proxy for {} created'.format(filename))
          # The file may not exist yet, hence there is no
          # reliable way of knowing if it is a file on the
          # disk or a directory.
          if not path.isabs(filename) or filename.endswith(path.sep):
            raise ValueError('expecting absolute filename')
          self._version = -1
          self._contents = contents
          self._filename = path.normcase(filename)
          self._workspace = workspace and path.normcase(workspace)
        def __str__(self):
            Return a string representation of a file proxy
            with information about its version and filename.
          return '<FileProxy {}, {}>'.format(
            self._filename, self._version)
        def __hash__(self):
            Returns hash of the instance.
          return hash(self.filename)
        def replace(self, contents, version):
          The method replaces the content of the proxy
          entirely and does not push the change to the
          history. It is similar to updating the proxy
          with the range spanning to the entire content.
          :param contents:
            The new contents of the proxy.
          :param version:
            The version number proxy upgrades to after
            the update. This needs to be greater than
            the current version number.
            Returns a boolean indicating the status of
            the update.
          if version > self._version:
            self._contents = contents
            self._version = version
            logging.debug('File proxy for {} updated to version {}.'
                          .format(self.filename, self.version))
            return True
          logging.debug('Updating file proxy for {} failed.'
          return False
        def get_disk_contents(self):
            Returns the contents of a copy of the file
            on the disk. It might not be in sync with
            the editor version of the file.
          with open(self.filename, 'r',
                    encoding=detect_encoding(self.filename)) as disk:
        def contents(self):
            Returns the current contents of the proxy.
          return self._contents
        def lines(self):
            Returns the tuple of lines from the contents
            of current proxy instance.
          # If the file is binary, splitlines returns
          # an empty tuple.
          return tuple(self.contents().splitlines(True))
        def clear(self):
          Clearing a proxy essentially means emptying the
          contents of the proxy instance.
          self._contents = ''
          self._version = -1
        def filename(self):
            Returns the complete normcased file name.
          return self._filename
        def workspace(self):
            Returns the normcased workspace of the file.
          return self._workspace
        def version(self):
            Returns the current edit version of the file.
          return self._version
        def from_file(cls, filename, workspace, binary=False):
          Construct a FileProxy instance from an existing
          file on the drive.
          :param filename:
            The name of the file to be represented by
            the proxy instance.
          :param workspace:
            The workspace the file belongs to. This can
            be none representing that the the directory
            server is currently serving from is the workspace.
            Returns a FileProxy instance of the file with
            the content synced from a disk copy.
          if not binary:
            with open(filename, 'r',
                      encoding=detect_encoding(filename)) as reader:
              return cls(filename, workspace,
            with open(filename, 'rb') as reader:
              return cls(filename, workspace,

      Addition of a FileProxyMap.

      class FileProxyMap:
      FileProxyMap handles a collection of proxies
      and provides a mechanism to reliably resolve
      missing proxies.
      def __init__(self, file_proxies=[]):
        :param file_proxies:
          A list of FileProxy instances to initialize
          the ProxyMap with.
        self._map = {proxy.filename: proxy for proxy in file_proxies}
      def add(self, proxy: FileProxy, replace=False):
        Add a proxy instance to the map or replaces
        optionally if it already exists.
        :param proxy:
          The proxy instance to register in the map.
        :param replace:
          A boolean flag indicating if the proxy should
          replace an existing proxy of the same file.
          Boolean true if registering of the proxy was
          successful else false.
        if self._map.get(proxy.filename) is not None:
          if replace:
            self._map[proxy.filename] = proxy
            return True
          return False
        self._map[proxy.filename] = proxy
        return True
      def remove(self, filename):
        Remove the proxy associated with a file from the
        proxy map.
        :param filename:
          The name of the file to remove the proxy
          associated with.
        filename = path.normcase(filename)
        if self.get(filename):
          del self._map[filename]
      def get(self, filename):
        :param filename:
          The name of file to get the associated proxy instance.
          A file proxy instance or None if not available.
        filename = path.normcase(filename)
        return self._map.get(filename)
      def resolve(self, filename, workspace=None, hard_sync=True, binary=False):
        Resolve tries to find an available proxy or creates one
        if there is no available proxy for the said file.
        :param filename:
          The filename to search for in the map or to create
          a proxy instance using.
        :param workspace:
          Used in case the lookup fails and a new instance is
          being initialized.
          Boolean flag indicating if the file should be initialized
          from the file on disk or fail otherwise.
          Returns a proxy instance or raises associated exceptions.
        filename = path.normcase(filename)
        proxy = self.get(filename)
        if proxy is not None:
          return proxy
          proxy = FileProxy.from_file(filename, workspace, binary=binary)
        except (OSError, ValueError) as ex:
          if hard_sync:
            raise ex
          # Could raise a ValueError
          proxy = FileProxy(filename, workspace)
        return proxy
    • coalib.misc.Caching

      Support for FileProxyMaps is currently being extended via subclasses of FileCache, this also makes FileCache instances responsible for providing access to both the caches and the contents of associated/other files. Note that these are primarily caches with extended support for additional features.

      • FileDictFileCache

        class FileDictFileCache(FileCache):
          FileDictFileCache extends a traditional FileCache
          to support generation of complete file dict, this
          lets FileDictFileCache provide access to both file
          cache and contents of files from disk.
          def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
            super().__init__(*args, **kargs)
          def get_file_dict(self, filename_list, allow_raw_files=False):
            Returns a file dictionary mapping from filename => lines of
            file. Uses coalib.processes.Processing.get_file_dict().
            return get_file_dict(filename_list,
      • ProxyMapFileCache

        class ProxyMapFileCache(FileCache):
          ProxyMapFileCache is a FileCache that also provides
          methods to produce a file dict from a FileProxyMap.
          This enables analysis of in-memory files by coala.
          def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
            super().__init__(*args, **kargs)
            self.__proxymap = None
          def set_proxymap(self, fileproxy_map):
            self.__proxymap = fileproxy_map
          def get_file_dict(self, filename_list, allow_raw_files=False):
            return self.get_file_dict_from_fileproxy_map(
                      filename_list, self.__proxymap, allow_raw_files)
      • coalaLsFileCache

        coalals.utils.files.coalaLsFileCache will be a direct subclass of ProxyMapFileCache and is intended to stay as part of coala-ls. Instances of coalaLsFileCache will be passed down to run_coala(), this class will additionally support collection of information from coala-core.

        class coalaLsFileCache(ProxyMapFileCache):
          Subclass of ProxyMapFileCache with support
          for information logging.
          def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
            super().__init__(*args, **kargs)
            self._ls_logger = None
          def ls_init(self, fileproxy_map=None, ls_logger=None):
            if fileproxy_map is not None:
            if ls_logger is not None:
              self._ls_logger = ls_logger
          def track_files(self, files):
            self._ls_logger('Tracking files: '+str(files))
            return super().track_files(files)
    • coalib.misc.Caching.ProxyMapFileCache.get_file_dict_from_fileproxy_map()

      ProxyMapFileCache.get_file_dict() should generate the file dict from file proxy map.

      def get_file_dict_from_fileproxy_map(self,
        Reads all files into a dictionary.
        :param filename_list:   List of files to get the contents of.
        :param allow_raw_files: Allow the usage of raw files (non text files),
                                disabled by default
        :param fileproxy_map:   The FileProxyMap instance to use while building
                                a file dict when available.
        :return:                Reads the content of each file into dictionary
                                with filenames as keys.
        file_dict = {}
        for filename in filename_list:
            proxy = fileproxy_map.resolve(filename,
            file_contents = proxy.contents()
            file_lines = file_contents.splitlines(keepends=True)
            file_dict[filename] = tuple(file_lines)
          except (OSError, ValueError) as exception:
            # Raw files are not currently tested.
            if fileproxy_map is not None and allow_raw_files:
              file_dict[filename] = None
            log_exception("Failed to read file '{}' because of an unknown "
                          'error. Leaving it out.'.format(filename),
        logging.debug('Files that will be checked:\n' +
        return file_dict
    • coalib.processes.Processing.instantiate_processes()

      Enhance instantiate_processes() to conditionally make use of cache instance to generate file dict or use default.

      # generate file dict from a cache or use the default
      # generator in case caching is disabled/unavailable.
      file_dict_gen = get_file_dict if cache is None else cache.get_file_dict
      complete_file_dict = file_dict_gen(complete_filename_list,
    • coalib.coala_main.run_coala()

      Requires changes to function signatures and addition of cache parameter with a default value of None to be passed down upwards.

Known Issues

  • Currently, because the support for in-memory analysis has to come as part of FileCaches, FileProxies cannot be used when caching is disabled.