Metadata | |
cEP | 29 |
Version | 1.0 |
Title | Support TOML as a configuration format |
Authors | Prajwal M |
Status | Implementation Due |
Type | Feature |
This document describes how support for TOML will be implemented and integrated with the existing configuration system. It also describes how other features that complement the base idea will be implemented as part of this GSoC project.
Having a configuration file is essential to make full use of coala. Having a standardized configuration format like TOML helps. coala currently has an INI style configuration. INI style configurations has certain limitations when it comes to custom sub-level parsing. The LineParser and ConfParser becomes complex and error-prone. A standardized configuration format allows developers to quickly implement new features and will allow users to write configuration files in a format that they are probably more familiar with.
This project is a step towards making coala easier to use. As a part of this project a repository of good configuration files will be created that will allow users to quickly bootstrap their projects.
- The basic building blocks of toml are
pairs. - Values can be integers, booleans, arrays, floats, date and time
- A collection of key-value pairs form a
. A table can be used to group rules into a section. - Array of tables can be used to list
. eg:- collection of friends with their attributes
From the perspective of coala, only tables
are of importance.
Configuration concepts currently in use in coala:
- Section as a collection of settings (key-value pairs)
- Concept of inheritance in sections
- Aspects and tastes
Keeping the TOML concepts and coala configuration concepts in mind, TOML syntax for coala has been decided.
- Settings shall be declared as key-value pairs
- Sections shall be declared as tables
- Inheritance shall be supported through the use of
a key called
. Appending of an inherited setting shall be through a key calledappend
. - Aspects from a section shall be declared in the form of
The syntax [all.python] cannot be used to depict inheritance
in toml as in coafile. This is because TOML parsers consider
to be a setting in the section all
This type of syntax is more suitable when a setting itself
is defined by a group of settings within a section.
a.b = 10
a.c = 20
a.d = 30
b = 45
can also be represented as
b = 10
b = 10
c = 20
d = 30
Since aspects are settings within a section and since aspects have their own group of settings, this syntax perfectly suits aspects.
Aspects in coafile
files = **
aspects = aspectname1, AspectName2 # case-insensitive
# defining an aspect's taste
aspectname1:aspect_taste = 80
# we can define subaspect taste through its parent
aspectname1:subaspect_taste = word1, word2, word3
is equivalent to
files = '**'
aspects = ['aspectname1', 'AspectName2'] # case-insensitive
aspect_taste = 80
subaspect_taste = ['word1', 'word2', 'word3']
files = '**'
aspects = ['aspectname1', 'AspectName2'] # case-insensitive
aspectname1.aspect_taste = 80
AspectName2.subaspect_taste = ['word1', 'word2', 'word3']
in TOML.
Inheritance in coafile
enabled = True
overridable = 2
ignore = vendor1/
overridable = 3
ignore += vendor2/
other = some_value
is equivalent to
enabled = true
overridable = 2
ignore = 'vendor1/'
inherits = 'all'
appends = 'ignore'
overrideable = 3
ignore = 'value2/'
other = 'some_value'
If inheritance were to represented as [all.python]
as in coafile,
then there would be no way to represent aspects or setting as a group
of settings in TOML. This would also confuse users of TOML.
The implementation shall consist of following parts
- Infrastructure to load the toml configuration files
- Implementation of TomlConfParser
- Implementation of TomlConfWriter
- Tool to convert .coafile to TOML config file.
- Support coala-quickstart to generate config files in TOML.
- Develop TOMLLintBear
- A repository of good config files to allow users to easily bootstrap their projects.
Before toml files can be used to configure coala, a mechanism
must exist to load them. The loaded file can then be passed
into toml.load
. For this a new configuration flag
called coala -T
shall be created. This will enable coala to
run on toml config files. Also creating such a flag is highly
beneficial. This way the flags -c , -F, -I and -s can also be
used with respect to toml.
To achieve this, I will refactor the load_configuration
I will not change the nature or number of function parameters
and return values. This way the behaviour of the function shall
remain the same. If coala -T
is will call a function that
will provide toml sections and targets else it will provide normal
sections and targets. A function called load_toml_config_file
equivalent to load_config_file
will be created.
The goal of this part is to get the OrderedDict from toml.load
and convert it into sections. For each table, the individual
key-value pairs have to converted to Settings. Finally these
settings have to grouped into a section. The concepts of
aspects and inheritance has to be accounted for. It's
function is similar to the present ConfParser
This enables coala to run on configurations written in TOML file.
It should convert
('max_line_length', 80),
('use_spaces', True)]))])
<Section object(aspects=None,
contents=OrderedDict([('files', <Setting object(key='files', value='*.py, coalib/**/*.py, ./coala, tests/**/*.py, docs/', origin='/Users/userx/Documents/coala/coala/.coafile', from_cli=False, to_append=False) at 0x1092cd780>),
('ignore', <Setting object(key='ignore', value='tests/bearlib/languages/documentation/documentation_extraction_testdata/*.py,\ntests/collecting/collectors_test_dir/bears/,\ncoalib/misc/,',
origin='/Users/userx/Documents/coala/coala/.coafile', from_cli=False, to_append=False) at 0x1092cdbe0>),
('comment0', <Setting object(key='comment0', value='', origin='/Users/userx/Documents/coala/coala/.coafile', from_cli=False, to_append=False) at 0x1092cdb70>),
('max_line_length', <Setting object(key='max_line_length', value='80', origin='/Users/userx/Documents/coala/coala/.coafile', from_cli=False, to_append=False) at 0x1092cda20>),
('use_spaces', <Setting object(key='use_spaces', value='True', origin='/Users/userx/Documents/coala/coala/.coafile', from_cli=False, to_append=False) at 0x1092cd898>)]), defaults=None,
language=None, name='Default') at 0x108bdf550>)])
The TomlConfWriter receives sections and it has to convert it into a OrderedDict
for toml.dump
. This writes the sections to a TOML config file. It has a function
that is opposite to the TomlConfParser. It's
function is similar to the present ConfWriter
This will enable users to use --save in TOML. It will also allow coala-quickstart to generate TOML config files.
It should convert
<Section object(aspects=None,
contents=OrderedDict([('files', <Setting object(key='files', value='*.py, coalib/**/*.py, ./coala, tests/**/*.py, docs/', origin='/Users/userx/Documents/coala/coala/.coafile', from_cli=False, to_append=False) at 0x1092cd780>),
('ignore', <Setting object(key='ignore', value='tests/bearlib/languages/documentation/documentation_extraction_testdata/*.py,\ntests/collecting/collectors_test_dir/bears/,\ncoalib/misc/,',
origin='/Users/userx/Documents/coala/coala/.coafile', from_cli=False, to_append=False) at 0x1092cdbe0>),
('comment0', <Setting object(key='comment0', value='', origin='/Users/userx/Documents/coala/coala/.coafile', from_cli=False, to_append=False) at 0x1092cdb70>),
('max_line_length', <Setting object(key='max_line_length', value='80', origin='/Users/userx/Documents/coala/coala/.coafile', from_cli=False, to_append=False) at 0x1092cda20>),
('use_spaces', <Setting object(key='use_spaces', value='True', origin='/Users/userx/Documents/coala/coala/.coafile', from_cli=False, to_append=False) at 0x1092cd898>)]), defaults=None,
language=None, name='Default') at 0x108bdf550>)])
('max_line_length', 80),
('use_spaces', True)]))])
A new flag will be created to allow .coafile to be converted to TOML config files and vice versa.
$ coala --create-toml .coafile
$ coala --create-coafile .coafile.toml
The loaded sections from either .coafile or .coafile.toml can be supplied to:
- TomlConfWriter to create TOML config file
- ConfWriter to create coafile
coala-quickstart will be made to generate config files in TOML. A new option -T that will allow config files to be created in TOML.
New functions write_toml_config
and write_toml_info
be created which will perform the functions similar to existing
and write_info
functions but with respect to TOML.
Regarding green mode, I will create write_toml_sections
similar to write_sections
for TOML. Also the function
will be modified to accommodate
for TOML config file.
coala-bears currently has bear for TOML called
uses a external linter. But it requires Go to be installed.
So this bear can mainly be used only by Go users.
The task is to create TOMLLintBear
in python. This way it can
be used by all users without any additional language requirements
as python comes installed in most computers.
The bear shall catch syntax errors in a TOML file. This shall be done in 2 passes.
- In the first pass, the TOML file shall be validated per character
- In the second pass, the TOML file shall be validated per line
This approach is similar to the toml library. As part of this project the bear shall be a validator and only check the validity of the TOML file. In the future when style guidelines are created formatting capability can be added.
This part aims to start a project which contains a repository of known and good coafile configurations. This will help users to quickly bootstrap their projects. A minimal version of this project shall be implemented here.