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A visual studio code plugin working via Language Server Protocol (LSP).Python versions 3.x is supported.

Feature preview

Setting up your dev environment, coding, and debugging

You'll need python version 3.5 or greater, run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install the requirements, and run python3 --mode=tcp --addr=2087 to start a local languager server listening at port 2087.

Then you should update the ./vscode-client/src/extension.ts to make client in TCP mode.

export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
-   context.subscriptions.push(startLangServer
-   (require("path").resolve(__dirname, '../'), ["python"]));
+   context.subscriptions.push(startLangServerTCP(2087, ["python"]));
    console.log("coala language server is running.");

To try it in Visual Studio Code, open ./vscode-client in VS Code and turn to debug view, launch the extension.

Known bugs
