This directory includes auxiliary tools to support authoring and maintaining the Codacy documentation.
Install the Python requirements before using the tools:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Validates if the source file for the page Managing security and risk mentions the tools returned by the Codacy API endpoint listTools that include security code patterns.
This script is scheduled to run periodically as a GitHub Action.
Validates if the source file for the page Supported languages and tools mentions the tools returned by the Codacy API endpoint listTools.
This script is scheduled to run periodically as a GitHub Action.
Outputs a list of images that aren't included in any Markdown file. Make sure that you generate the documentation site before running the script.
mkdocs build -f ../mkdocs.yml -d ../site
Outputs the details of all supported security code patterns as a CSV file.
Outputs the name and description of each supported tool.
Outputs the date and time when each documentation page was last modified as a CSV file. This can be used to help assess which pages could be outdated and in need of review.
Outputs the list of short names for all supported tools as returned by the Codacy API endpoint tools. Useful to update and synchronize the list of tools in Which tools can be configured and which name should I use?.