Easy to use test framework for Jupyter Notebooks.
- Runs notebook top to bottom and flags execution errors if any
- Runs unittest present in your notebook code cells
- Runs doctest present in your notebook code cells
- Start testing notebooks without writing a single line of code
- Multithreaded execution for quickly testing a set of notebooks
- Executes every Notebook in a fresh kernel to avoid kernel state interference
- Primarily a command line tool that can be used easily in any Continuous Integration (CI) system
- Soon to be part of ReviewNB's CI system that automatically runs treon everytime you push notebook changes to GitHub
pip install treon
$ treon
Executing treon version 0.1.0
Recursively scanning /workspace/treon/tmp/docs/site/ru/guide for Notebooks...
Collected following Notebooks for testing
Triggered test for /workspace/treon/tmp/docs/site/ru/guide/keras.ipynb
Triggered test for /workspace/treon/tmp/docs/site/ru/guide/eager.ipynb
test_sum (__main__.TestNotebook) ...
test_sum (__main__.TestNotebook2) ...
test_sum (__main__.TestNotebook3) ...
Ran 3 tests in 0.004s
/workspace/treon/tmp/docs/site/ru/guide/keras.ipynb -- PASSED
/workspace/treon/tmp/docs/site/ru/guide/eager.ipynb -- PASSED
2 succeeded, 0 failed, out of 2 notebooks tested.
treon [PATH] [--threads=<number>]
PATH File or directory path to find notebooks to test. Searches recursively for directory paths. [default: current working directory]
--threads=<number> Number of parallel threads. Each thread processes one notebook file at a time. [default: 10]
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
You just need to add tests as shown below & treon would execute them and report the result on the console. See this for more details on how to write unittest.
You just need to add tests as shown below & treon would execute them and report the result on the console. See this for more details on how to write doctest.
- You need to run treon from environment (virtualenv/pipenv etc.) that has all the dependcies required for Notebooks under test
- treon only works with python3+ environments and uses python3 kernel for executing notebooks
Our aim at ReviewNB is to make notebooks a first class entity in the production workflow. We've built a code review system for Notebooks. The next step is to build a CI pipeline & treon is the core tool in that effort. It is licensed librerally (MIT) & I foresee it being used as an independent tool as well. You can use it locally and/or integrate with CI system of your choice.
For motivation, checkout Netflix's blog to see how notebooks are graduating from scratchpad to a part of production workflow.
If you see any problem, open an issue or send a pull request. You can write to team@reviewnb.com for any questions.