Node Security helps you keep your node applications secure. With Node Security you can:
- Make use of the CLI tool to help identify known vulnerabilities in your own projects.
- Get access to Node Security news and information from the ^lift team.
- To install the Node Security command line tool:
npm install -g nsp
- Then run
nsp --help
to find out more.
You can adjust how the client outputs findings by specifying one of the following format options:
- default
- summary
- json
- codeclimate
- none
Example: nsp check --output summary
Additionally, you can use third-party formatters. The packages of custom formatters must adhere to the naming scheme nsp-formatter-<name>
and can then be referenced by that name:
$ npm install -g nsp nsp-formatter-checkstyle
$ nsp check --output checkstyle
Please note that in case of naming conflicts built-in formatters (as listed above) take precedence. For instance, nsp-formatter-json
would never be used since nsp ships with a json
The Node Security CLI supports adding exceptions. These are advisories that you have evaluated and personally deemed unimportant for your project.
In order to leverage this capability, create a .nsprc
file in the root of your project with content like the following:
"exceptions": [""]
The URLs used in the array should match the advisory link that the CLI reports. With this in place, you will no longer receive warnings about any advisories in the exceptions array.
Be careful using this feature. If you add code later that is impacted by an excluded advisory, Node Security has no way of knowing. Keep a careful eye on your exceptions.
is read using rc, so it supports comments using json-strip-comments.
The Node Security CLI has proxy support by using proxy-agent.
The currently implemented protocol mappings are listed in the table below:
Protocol | Example |
http | |
https | |
socks(v5) |
socks:// (username & password are optional) |
socks5 |
socks5:// (username & password are optional) |
socks4 |
socks4:// |
pac |
pac+ |
To configure the proxy set the proxy key in your .nsprc
file. This can be put in the root of your project or in your home directory.
"proxy": ""
nsp has an offline mode which was previously undocumented. We recommend not relying on offline support as it may become unsupported in the future as new features are added.
First you need to obtain the offline advisories database. Do this by running the npm run setup-offline
script provided by nsp. If you only needs the 100 most recent advisories, run npm run recent-offline
script instead.
Second you need to tell nsp where to find that file. You can do that 3 ways.
- Put it in the actual nsp module folder and no other configuration is required
- Specify it in the .nsprc configuration file
advisoriesPath: "/path/to/advisories.json"
- Specify it from the command line when you call nsp
nsp check --offline --advisoriesPath=/path/to/advisories.json
When you call nsp check you will want to use the --offline flag
A couple of notes
- Offline mode requires that your project include a npm-shrinkwrap.json file.
- Because of npm3 flattening reported paths may be incorrect.
is a Code Climate engine that wraps the Node Security CLI. You can run it on your command line using the Code Climate CLI, or Code Climate's hosted analysis platform.
Note that this engine only works if your code has a npm-shrinkwrap.json
file committed.
First, build this repo with docker
git clone
cd nsp
docker build -t codeclimate/codeclimate-nodesecurity .
Install the codeclimate CLI
brew tap codeclimate/formulae
brew install codeclimate
Go into your project's directory and enable codeclimate
codeclimate init
Then edit .codeclimate.yml
to add the engine like so
enabled: true
exclude_paths: []
And finally run it
codeclimate analyze --dev
Should you come across data in an advisory that you feel is wrong or is a false positive please let us know at We endeavor to make this process better in the future, however this is the best place to resolve these issues at the present.
Node Security (+) is brought to you by ^lift security.
Copyright (c) 2016 by ^Lift Security
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Note: the above text describes the license for the code located in this repository only. Usage of this tool or the API this tool accesses implies acceptance of our terms of service.