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210 lines (166 loc) · 4.65 KB

File metadata and controls

210 lines (166 loc) · 4.65 KB



  • Avoid partial functions (head, read, etc)

    -- Bad
    getEmail :: User -> IO Email
    getEmail user = do
        emails <- requestApi $ "/users/" <> userId user <> "/emails"
        return $ head emails
    -- Good
    import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
    getEmail :: User -> IO (Maybe Email)
    getEmail user = do
        emails <- requestApi $ "/users/" <> userId user <> "/emails"
        return $ listToMaybe emails
    -- Better
    getEmail :: User -> IO (Either String Email)
    getEmail user = do
        -- `try` replaces `IO` exceptions with an `Either` result
        emails <- try $ requestApi $ "/users/" <> userId user <> "/emails"
        return $ case emails of
            Right (e:_) -> Right e
            Right _ -> Left "User had no emails"
            Left ex -> Left $ "IO error get emails: " <> show ex
  • Compile with -Wall -Werror

  • Use newtypes when multiple concepts share primitive types

    -- Bad
    fetchWebPage :: String -> IO String
    fetchWebPage url = -- returns HTML body
    main = do
        body <- fetchWebPage ""
        nonSense <- fetchWebPage body
        -- ^ Bug found at runtime
    -- Good
    newtype URL = URL { unURL :: String }
    newtype HTML = HTML { unHTML :: String }
    fetchWebPage :: URL -> IO HTML
    fetchWebPage = -- ...
    main = do
        body <- fetchWebPage $ URL ""
        nonSense <- fetchWebPage body
        -- ^ Type error at compile time

Project Structure

  • Use stack, with the latest LTS snapshot resolver
  • Use a structure like the hspec template:
    • Source files under src/
    • HSpec-based tests under test/
    • Executable defined at app/Main.hs
  • For web projects, prefer Yesod
  • For options parsing, prefer optparse-applicative
  • Build docker images in two layers (example)


  • Use four-space indentation except the where keyword which is indented two spaces

    outputStream commandId start = do
        outputs <- runDB $ selectList
            [OutputCommand ==. commandId]
            [Asc OutputCreatedAt, OffsetBy start]
        stop <- commandRunning
        unless stop $ do
            mapM_ sendText outputs
            outputStream commandId (start + length outputs)
        commandRunning = runDB $ exists
            [ CommandId ==. commandId
            , CommandRunning ==. True
  • Break long type signatures before separators

        :: ( MonadIO m
           , PersistQuery (PersistEntityBackend v)
           , PersistEntity v
        => [Filter v]
        -> ReaderT (PersistEntityBackend v) m Bool
    exists = fmap (> 0) . count

    Reasoning: in general, one should be able to rename an identifier without having to adjust indentation. Notice the following:

    -- Bad
    foo :: String
        -> Int
        -> Int
    foo = undefined
    -- If I rename foo to longFoo, I have to adjust all four lines
    longFoo :: String
            -> Int
            -> Int
    longFoo = undefined
    -- Good
        :: String
        -> Int
        -> Int
    foo = undefined
    -- If I rename foo to longFoo, I only have to adjust the unavoidable two
        :: String
        -> Int
        -> Int
    longFoo = undefined

    Comma-first style is recommended below for the same reason.

  • Use only one pragma statement per line.

    -- Bad
    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-}
    -- Also bad
    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings
               , RecordWildCards #-}
    -- Good
    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
  • Use comma-first style exports, records, and lists.

    -- exports
    module Main
        ( MyType(..)
        , (&&^)
        , (||^)
        , exportedFunc1
        , exportedFunc2
        ) where
    -- imports
    import Network.HTTP.Conduit
        ( HttpException(..)
        , RequestBody(..)
        , Manager
        , httpLbs
        , parseUrl
        , responseBody
        , tlsManagerSettings
    -- record data types
    data Person = Person
        { personName :: String
        , personAge :: Int
        deriving Show
    -- sum types
    data HTTPStatus
        = OK
        | BadRequest
        | ServerError
        deriving Eq
    -- lists
    mappedThings f = map f
        [ aThing
        , anotherThing
        , lastThing
  • Order export and import lists as types, operators, then functions and alphabetize each group (the comma-first example follows this)