Releases: codecov/codecov-action
Switch to Ubuntu for base
Add a workflow to self-test the action.
Alpine Linux's find
command was missing --execdir
, switched to Ubuntu for base
Initial public release
Version 1 of the Codecov GitHub Action has the following functionality:
- Upload reports via required auth token
- Specify a file path to coverage report
- Include a name for your upload
- Include flags for your upload
Almost everything that's finalized before shipping out v1
Add upload 'name' param
Add functionality to be able to name your uploads
Patch: correct docs
Correct some errors in docs
Add flags input
Previously, file paths could not be specified by the user of this action. That is now implemented with this functionality
Add report file path
This update lets users specify a path to the coverage report file
file: ./coverage.xml
Linting, spelling fixes
Just a few quick spelling fixes across a couple files
Patch public repo uploads
Bug fix: Public repositories should be able to upload without a token. Prior to this patch, a token would've been required to upload for all public repos using the Codecov action
Initial release
- Invoke Codecov's bash uploader
- Use token to validate upload