11 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- fix: create a proper bitrise test by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #38
- fix: update checkout first by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #39
- fix: remove some args by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #40
- using codecovcli as the uploader by @dana-yaish in #22
- Test local by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #41
- chore(ci): add fossa workflow by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #43
- feat: use the new CLI/wrapper by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #45
- fix: remove git service opts by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #46
New Contributors
- @dana-yaish made their first contribution in #22
Full Changelog: 3.3.3...4.0.0