🚨🚨 Deprecation Notice 🚨🚨
This uploader is being deprecated by the Codecov team. We recommend migrating to our new uploader as soon as possible to prevent any lapses in coverage. The new uploader is open source, and we highly encourage submitting Issues and Pull Requests.
You can visit our blog post to learn more about our deprecation plan
On February 1, 2022 this uploader will be completely deprecated and will no longer be able to upload coverage to Codecov.
Adds Codecov support to Cover.
Note: The currently supported methods of posting data to Codecov are Travis CI and Gitlab CI.
First enable your repository on Travis and Codecov.
Next add cover-codecov
to the build-deps
of your info.rkt
Then create a .travis.yml
in the root of your repository.
# .travis.yml
language: c
sudo: false
- RACKET_DIR=~/racket
- RACKET_VERSION=6.2 # Set this to the version of racket you use
before_install: # Install Racket
- git clone https://github.com/greghendershott/travis-racket.git ../travis-racket
- cat ../travis-racket/install-racket.sh | bash
- export PATH="${RACKET_DIR}/bin:${PATH}"
install: raco pkg install --deps search-auto $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR # install dependencies
- raco test $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR # run tests. you wrote tests, right?
- raco pkg install --deps search-auto cover cover-codecov
- raco cover -f codecov -d $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/coverage . # generate coverage information for coveralls
The above Travis configuration will install any project dependencies, test your project, and report coverage information to Codecov.
For additional Travis configuration information look at Travis Racket.
Like with Travis, except that you should use the Gitlab format of the CI configuration file:
image: frolvlad/alpine-glibc
RACKET_DIR: "$HOME/racket"
RACKET_VERSION: "6.8" # use the desired version of racket
- echo "ipv6" >> /etc/modules
- apk update
- apk add git curl bash openssl sqlite-libs
- git clone https://github.com/greghendershott/travis-racket.git ~/ci-racket
- cat ~/ci-racket/install-racket.sh | bash # pipe to bash not sh!
- export PATH="$RACKET_DIR/bin:$PATH" #install-racket.sh can't set for us
- raco pkg install --auto $CI_PROJECT_DIR
- test
- cover
stage: test
- raco test $CI_PROJECT_DIR
stage: cover
- raco pkg install --auto cover cover-codecov
- raco cover -f codecov $CI_PROJECT_DIR