Releases: codecov/gazebo
Release 25.3.3
Autogenerated for 25.3.3. Created for #3788
What's Changed
- ref: Migrate useSessions to TSQ V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3715
- ref: Migrate useSunburstCoverage to TSQ V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3701
- ref: Migrate useBranchCoverageMeasurements to TSQ V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3711
- ref: Migrate useReposCoverageMeasurements to TSQ V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3712
- chore: Update Codecov plugin to 1.9.0 by @nicholas-codecov in #3721
- chore: Upgrade Sentry SDK to V9 by @nicholas-codecov in #3723
- chore: Vendor package all Prism languages by @nicholas-codecov in #3725
- ref: Migrate useRevokeUserToken to TSQ V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3719
- Revert "chore: Vendor package all Prism languages" by @nicholas-codecov in #3730
- chore: Vendor split large and common packages and remove unused deps by @nicholas-codecov in #3728
- ref: Migrate useDeleteSession to TSQ V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3720
- Remove Impact Analysis from UI by @michelletran-codecov in #3732
- feat: Set a global staleTime value to QueryClients by @nicholas-codecov in #3736
- ref: Migrate useGenerateUserToken to TSQ V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3735
- fix: Update codecov dark logo and fix broken invoice img by @calvin-codecov in #3729
- feat: Enable some Amplitude autocapture events by @spalmurray-codecov in #3731
- fix: Extra x's when replacing / hiding tokens by @ajay-sentry in #3740
- ref: Update Amplitude page view sanitization by @spalmurray-codecov in #3739
- Pass the
along to theeraseRepository
mutation by @Swatinem in #3741 - fix: Check to see if user exists before setting default org by @nicholas-codecov in #3744
- feat: Surface latest upload error for latest commit in a branch for tests tab by @RulaKhaled in #3722
- fix: Migrate from isCached to cacheConfig by @nicholas-codecov in #3718
- ref: Remove over application of lazy by @nicholas-codecov in #3738
- feat: Add Sentry feature flag integration with LD by @nicholas-codecov in #3746
- feat: Org page UI improvements by @calvin-codecov in #3727
- chore: Remove use of barrel files in services/account by @nicholas-codecov in #3748
- ref: Remove impact analysis stuff from Frontend code by @ajay-sentry in #3747
- Unify and slightly reword account deletion by @Swatinem in #3742
- chore: Remove use of barrel files in services/commit by @nicholas-codecov in #3750
- feat: Move initial sunburst data into react state by @nicholas-codecov in #3751
- Update FailedTestsErrorBanner.tsx by @rohan-at-sentry in #3755
- feat: Expand utility of rejectNetworkError by @nicholas-codecov in #3743
- chore: Remove barrel files from services part 2 by @nicholas-codecov in #3757
- chore: Remove use of barrel files in services/branches by @nicholas-codecov in #3749
- chore: Remove use of barrel files in services by @nicholas-codecov in #3754
- feat: Add recently visited repo at top of list by @calvin-codecov in #3734
- feat: Open coverage dropdown when linking from file explorer by @calvin-codecov in #3752
- fix: Virtual file renderer not resetting when changing branch by @nicholas-codecov in #3760
- ref: Convert OptionButton and DisplayTypeButton to TS by @spalmurray-codecov in #3759
- feat: Update current usage of rejectNetworkError by @nicholas-codecov in #3758
- chore: Remove barrel services/navigation by @nicholas-codecov in #3761
- feat: Add rejectNetworkError to calls (part one) by @nicholas-codecov in #3762
- fix: Remove use of structuredClone by @nicholas-codecov in #3766
- ref: Add rejectNetworkError to calls (part two) by @nicholas-codecov in #3765
- feat: Add rejectNetworkError to calls (part three) by @nicholas-codecov in #3767
- feat: Add rejectNetworkError to API calls (part four) by @nicholas-codecov in #3768
- chore: Replace old onboarding metrics with Amplitude events by @spalmurray-codecov in #3769
- chore: Add testing framework to GHA token step metric by @spalmurray-codecov in #3773
- ref: Convert FileEntry to TS by @spalmurray-codecov in #3772
- feat: Add rejectNetworkError to calls (part five) by @nicholas-codecov in #3771
- ref: Convert DirEntry to TSX by @spalmurray-codecov in #3775
- fix: Initial set of parsing errors by @nicholas-codecov in #3774
- ref: Convert BranchFileEntry to TSX by @spalmurray-codecov in #3777
- fix: Add fixes and new rules to tokenless banner show logic by @calvin-codecov in #3764
- ref: Move callingFn from string literals to a shared const by @nicholas-codecov in #3770
- fix: Set new owner fields to nullable in zod by @calvin-codecov in #3781
- chore: Remove use of barrel files in services/pull by @nicholas-codecov in #3753
- chore: Remove barrel file services/repo/schemas by @nicholas-codecov in #3779
- fix: usesInvoice should hide change plan button on members page by @ajay-sentry in #3782
- fix: Remove the default error for failed tests error banner by @RulaKhaled in #3784
- feat: Profile sunburst chart by @nicholas-codecov in #3785
- fix: usePullCompareTotalsTeam parsing error by @nicholas-codecov in #3786
- feat: Setup Spotlight integration for local dev by @nicholas-codecov in #3787
- chore: Update yarn to 4.7.0 by @spalmurray-codecov in #3789
- fix: Add back sync repos feature in list by @calvin-codecov in #3790
- Release 25.3.3 by @codecov-releaser in #3788
New Contributors
- @rohan-at-sentry made their first contribution in #3755
Full Changelog: self-hosted-25.2.7...self-hosted-25.3.3
Release 25.2.7
Autogenerated for 25.2.7. Created for #3717
What's Changed
- feat: Add ACH related hooks by @suejung-sentry in #3662
- ref: Remove tier name, use isTeamPlan by @RulaKhaled in #3666
- Is repo public bug by @RulaKhaled in #3669
- ref: useCoverageTabData to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3658
- ref: useRepoForTokensTeam to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3657
- chore: Update Codecov Bundler Plugin by @nicholas-codecov in #3671
- feat: Cut over to Stripe PaymentElement by @suejung-sentry in #3665
- Reword the "Erase Repo" action by @Swatinem in #3670
- feat: Implement EventTracker abstraction and Amplitude implementation by @spalmurray-codecov in #3650
- fix: Infer name if not in billing details by @suejung-sentry in #3676
- fix: PullCoverage a passing null instead of boolean by @nicholas-codecov in #3679
- Cy/non pat appless by @calvin-codecov in #3667
- fix: Only show GH config banner when no welcome banner by @calvin-codecov in #3680
- Revert Non-PAT Appless by @calvin-codecov in #3681
- chore: Clean up bundle caching feature flag by @nicholas-codecov in #3659
- chore: Add in Owner/RepoContext MSW Mocks to App tests by @nicholas-codecov in #3682
- ref: Migrate useOktaConfig to TSQ V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3683
- Cy/non pat appless 2 by @calvin-codecov in #3684
- feat: Allow build time configuration of sunburst by @nicholas-codecov in #3689
- feat: Only show auto-activate toggle for admins when on enterprise cloud plan by @spalmurray-codecov in #3690
- ref: Flatten Amplitude context properties by @spalmurray-codecov in #3687
- feat: Add img component for light and dark src by @calvin-codecov in #3675
- fix: Only show GH app config banner if admin by @calvin-codecov in #3691
- fix: Add modal max width on wide screens by @calvin-codecov in #3674
- feat: Add users-developer to plans enum by @RulaKhaled in #3694
- fix: Hide tokenless banner for signed out user by @calvin-codecov in #3677
- DISPLAY_SELF_HOSTED_EXPIRATION_BANNER probably by @trent-codecov in #3695
- feat: Add ACH microdeposits handling by @suejung-sentry in #3693
- fix: Onboarding continue button on Safari by @spalmurray-codecov in #3699
- fix: Handle ach case by @suejung-sentry in #3696
- chore: Cleanup payment related components by @suejung-sentry in #3692
- chore: Update stripe JS versions by @ajay-sentry in #3704
- ref: Migrate useUpdateOktaConfig to TSQ V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3697
- feat: Update to send users developer instead of users basic by @RulaKhaled in #3702
- chore: Update Vitest to latest V2 by @nicholas-codecov in #3707
- chore: Remove unused credit card stuff by @ajay-sentry in #3709
- feat: Hide BA trend chart if Timescale is disabled by @nicholas-codecov in #3708
- fix: Test results not rendering on first pull branches with test data by @nicholas-codecov in #3710
- ref: Update useSetUploadTokenRequired to TSQ V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3698
- chore: Update yarn by @spalmurray-codecov in #3713
- fix: Update picker button colors for ACH on dark mode by @ajay-sentry in #3714
- feat: Use amplitude proxy by @spalmurray-codecov in #3716
- Release 25.2.7 by @codecov-releaser in #3717
Full Changelog: self-hosted-25.1.16...self-hosted-25.2.7
Release 25.1.16
Autogenerated for 25.1.16. Created for #3663
What's Changed
- fix: Remove "to" prop if component is by @ajay-sentry in #3654
- feat: Create modal for controlling bundle cache settings by @nicholas-codecov in #3652
- feat: Add bundle cache modal to repo config tab by @nicholas-codecov in #3655
- feat: Add bundle cache modal to bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #3653
- Update robots.txt by @trent-codecov in #3660
- Release 25.1.16 by @codecov-releaser in #3663
Full Changelog: self-hosted-25.1.10...self-hosted-25.1.16
Release 25.1.10
Autogenerated for 25.1.10. Created for #3648
What's Changed
- fix: empty string initialPageParam breaking ReposTeamQueryOpts by @spalmurray-codecov in #3626
- feat: Fetch isCached Field with CommitPageDataQueryOpts by @nicholas-codecov in #3621
- Revert "feat: Fetch isCached Field with CommitPageDataQueryOpts" by @nicholas-codecov in #3630
- feat: Fetch isCached Field with CommitPageDataQueryOpts - Round 2 by @nicholas-codecov in #3631
- fix: Update copy for tokenless tab by @RulaKhaled in #3633
- feat: Create CachedBundleContentBanner Component by @nicholas-codecov in #3632
- ref: Update useAvailablePlans to have isSentry/TeamPlan AND remove isSentryPlan helper for GQL field by @ajay-sentry in #3610
- feat: Fetch isCached Field in PullPageDataQueryOpts by @nicholas-codecov in #3622
- ref: Migrate useRepos to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3617
- fix: Update viewFile toggle in commit detail page by @suejung-sentry in #3623
- feat: Add Cache Bundle Banner to Commits Page by @nicholas-codecov in #3634
- [fix] Update GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket copy by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3603
- feat: Add Cache Bundle Banner to Pulls Page by @nicholas-codecov in #3636
- fix: Rewrite infinite queries to be consist using undefined over null by @nicholas-codecov in #3637
- [chore] Add rule to make provider casing more consistent by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3640
- feat: Add Success Variant Toast by @nicholas-codecov in #3639
- ref: Migrate useRepoConfigurationStatus to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3618
- chore: Upgrade to Vite V6 by @nicholas-codecov in #3614
- feat: Add in CachedBundlesQueryOpts by @nicholas-codecov in #3644
- chore: remove cached bundle feature flag by @nicholas-codecov in #3638
- fix: background color on trend selector container for dark mode by @ajay-sentry in #3641
- dev: Update TS fomr 4.9.5 -> ~5.7.3 by @ajay-sentry in #3647
- chore: Remove new repo flag in LD by @ajay-sentry in #3651
- feat: Add mutation to update bundle cache settings by @nicholas-codecov in #3649
- Release 25.1.10 by @codecov-releaser in #3648
Full Changelog: self-hosted-25.1.3...self-hosted-25.1.10
Release 25.1.3
Autogenerated for 25.1.3. Created for #3624
What's Changed
- add PROCESSING_TIMEOUT upload error code by @matt-codecov in #3522
- refactor: Convert UI files to TS by @calvin-codecov in #3475
- fix: Fix link to custom gh app for self-hosted by @suejung-sentry in #3492
- fix: Incorrect Zod schema for CommitPageDataQueryOpts by @nicholas-codecov in #3557
- chore: Add Amplitude browser JS SDK by @spalmurray-codecov in #3555
- fix: Broken tests when custom GH_APP set locally by @spalmurray-codecov in #3558
- feat: Update useBundleAssets to fetch routes field by @nicholas-codecov in #3527
- chore: Migrate useCommitHeaderData to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3548
- chore: Migrate useCommitHeaderDataTeam to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3549
- chore: Migrate useIgnoredIds to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3547
- dev: Node 22 LTS by @ajay-sentry in #3507
- fix: Do not allow removing sorting from repos table by @calvin-codecov in #3554
- build: Apply recommended lint rules by @nicholas-codecov in #3524
- chore: Update Git Blame Ignore file by @nicholas-codecov in #3566
- chore: Migrate useInfiniteAccountOrganizations to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3569
- fix: useCommit doesn't always expect flags by @JerrySentry in #3570
- chore: Migrate usePlanPageData to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3567
- chore: Migrate useEnterpriseAccountDetails to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3571
- chore: Migrate useLoginProviders to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3572
- feat: Grab the plugin name for the given bundle by @nicholas-codecov in #3535
- feat: Migrate isEnterprisePlan to GQL Field by @ajay-sentry in #3576
- feat: Update AssetsTable to conditionally render file path column by @nicholas-codecov in #3565
- Convert shared P5 to TypeScript by @calvin-codecov in #3563
- remove flare graph from pr comment by @nora-codecov in #3581
- feat: new UI to clarify adding token by @calvin-codecov in #3552
- chore: Update Storybook from ^8.2.6 -> ^8.4.7 by @ajay-sentry in #3586
- chore: Update yarn to 4.5.3 by @spalmurray-codecov in #3589
- ref: Migrate isFreePlan to GQL Field and remove Helper by @ajay-sentry in #3584
- feat: Paginate files/dir list in repo overview page by @RulaKhaled in #3556
- chore: Replace account details plan data occurrences by @RulaKhaled in #3587
- fix: Change Pro Team to Pro by @ajay-sentry in #3593
- ref: Migrate isAnnualPlan && isMonthlyPlan to use BillingRate property from GQL by @ajay-sentry in #3588
- fix: Copy when changing plan from free plan by @ajay-sentry in #3594
- ref: Migrate off "Plan" object from accountDetails REST endpoint to GQL Plan by @ajay-sentry in #3597
- fix: OtherCI GPG instructions by @spalmurray-codecov in #3595
- feat: Add coverage generation step to CircleCI and OtherCI onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #3596
- fix: Fix rendered header error by @suejung-sentry in #3590
- fix: Pin demo repo to top during sort by @spalmurray-codecov in #3598
- ref: Migrate to
GQ field by @RulaKhaled in #3592 - dev: Clean up some unneccesary mocks to speed up gazebo tests by @ajay-sentry in #3604
- dev: update jsdom to remove punycode warning by @ajay-sentry in #3605
- ref: Convert isBasicPlan to isFreePlan GQL property by @ajay-sentry in #3600
- chore: Migrate useSyncProviders to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3573
- chore: Migrate useSelfHostedSettings to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3574
- chore: Migrate useSelfHostedUserList to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3575
- chore: Migrate useSelfHostedHasAdmins to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3579
- ref: Migrate off isProPlan helper and onto GQL isProPlan by @ajay-sentry in #3599
- chore: Migrate useOwner to ts by @suejung-sentry in #3601
- ref: Migrate gazebo from isTrialPlan helper to GQL property by @ajay-sentry in #3608
- chore: Migrate useSelfHostedSeatsConfig to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3580
- fix: Resolve Sentry issue fetching in MissingDesignatedAdmins Without a Provider by @nicholas-codecov in #3612
- chore: Migrate useSelfHostedSeatsAndLicense to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3577
- chore: Migrate useSelfHostedCurrentUser to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3582
- ref: Migrate useReposTeam to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3615
- chore: Migrate orgUploadToken to ts by @suejung-sentry in #3602
- [fix] +- Change appearing for a PR by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3619
- Release 25.1.3 by @codecov-releaser in #3624
New Contributors
- @nora-codecov made their first contribution in #3581
Full Changelog: self-hosted-24.12.2...self-hosted-25.1.3
Release 24.12.2
Autogenerated for 24.12.2. Created for #3542
What's Changed
- chore: Convert to TS - services charts, user, orgUploadToken, image by @suejung-sentry in #3440
- chore: Convert to TS - services selfHosted, access, pull, nav by @suejung-sentry in #3439
- fix: Incorrect CSS order in Virtual File Renderers by @nicholas-codecov in #3473
- feat: Use new chart library for analytics page by @nicholas-codecov in #3464
- feat: Use new chart library for overview tab by @nicholas-codecov in #3465
- fix: New charts not getting the correct props on Analytics Page by @nicholas-codecov in #3480
- fix: Correct the deactivated repo message by @suejung-sentry in #3482
- chore: Remove CoverageAreaChart and Victory by @nicholas-codecov in #3485
- fix: Add org/ to upload command for other ci onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #3486
- Tests analytics page V2 by @RulaKhaled in #3174
- fix: Flake rate to fixed decimals by @ajay-sentry in #3489
- chore: Upgrade http-proxy-middleware to ^2.0.7 by @calvin-codecov in #3488
- chore: Remove/Convert a couple files to TS, shared utils Part 2 by @ajay-sentry in #3481
- Undo ba endpoint change by @adrian-codecov in #3494
- fix: Tooltip copy for failed tests by @ajay-sentry in #3495
- feat: Still show coverage charts if we have one data point by @calvin-codecov in #3490
- chore: Shared JS/TS Conversions Part 3 by @ajay-sentry in #3500
- feat: center selectors on bundles page by @ajay-sentry in #3479
- dev: Fix app.tsx flake I think by @ajay-sentry in #3503
- chore: Shared/utils conversions Part 2 Part 1 by @ajay-sentry in #3461
- chore: Upgrade form TS Conversion by @ajay-sentry in #3505
- fix: Copy update on Cumulative Failure tile by @ajay-sentry in #3514
- feat: Ensure GH action onboarding is clear by @calvin-codecov in #3467
- fix: Add 'users' plan by @suejung-sentry in #3518
- fix: Hide navigator on sync page by @nicholas-codecov in #3504
- feat: Handle self hosted activation statuses by @RulaKhaled in #3523
- fix: Change flags to anchor style by @calvin-codecov in #3519
- feat: Migrate bundle analysis services to Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3430
- build: Audit and update lint rules for Gazebo by @nicholas-codecov in #3508
- feat: Handle isFirstPullRequest in TA page by @RulaKhaled in #3529
- [feat] Add a select all checkbox in the uploads card by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3470
- chore: Remove enterprise cloud support plan flag by @ajay-sentry in #3506
- Fix non-GH onboard links by @calvin-codecov in #3517
- build: Vendor Split Popular Packages by @nicholas-codecov in #3499
- fix: CoverageTrend not displaying coverage percentage by @nicholas-codecov in #3530
- fix: framework tabs copy by @joseph-sentry in #3534
- fix: HTML Validation issues with GitHub Rate Limit Banner by @nicholas-codecov in #3538
- chore: Update usePullPageData to TSQ V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3536
- fix: Seperate org name from error banner on 404 page by @nicholas-codecov in #3525
- chore: Migrate usePullHeadData to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3543
- chore: Migrate usePullHeadDataTeam to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3544
- chore: Migrate useComponentComparison to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3539
- chore: Migrate useCommitPageData to TSQ V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3537
- fix: RepoPage table header having no BG by @nicholas-codecov in #3545
- chore: Update action to v5 in TA onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #3546
- Release 24.12.2 by @codecov-releaser in #3542
Full Changelog: self-hosted-24.11.1...self-hosted-24.12.2
Release 24.11.1
Autogenerated for 24.11.1. Created for #3462
What's Changed
- Cy/vuln 765 by @calvin-codecov in #3342
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage/FailedTestsTab tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3343
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage/CoverageTab tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3335
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage/CoverageOnboarding tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3333
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage/ConfigTab tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3332
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage/BundlesTab tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3328
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3327
- chore: Update pages/PullRequestPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3324
- chore: Update pages/PlanPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3322
- chore: Update pages/OwnerPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3320
- chore: Update pages/NotFound pages/ToS pages/SyncProviderPage to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3319
- chore: update pages/CommitDetailPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3313
- chore: Update pages/MembersPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3318
- chore: Update pages/LoginPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3317
- chore: Update pages/EnterpriseLandingPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3316
- chore: Update pages/DefaultOrgSelector tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3314
- chore: Update services/repo tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3305
- chore: Update shared/ContentsTable tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3283
- chore: Update missed tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3344
- chore: Ensure that Vite build supports larger browser set by @nicholas-codecov in #3347
- [fix] Relocate the upload widget to the bottom on small screens by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3348
- chore: Small fixes to file viewer by @nicholas-codecov in #3351
- feat: Create new VirtualDiffRenderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3352
- feat: Add search and filter to Uploads list by @spalmurray-codecov in #3349
- fix: Change how we set isProduction in Vite config by @nicholas-codecov in #3360
- feat: Use new flags and components graphql schema by @suejung-sentry in #3203
- chore: Update pulls page indirect changes diff to new renderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3362
- fix: Small issues in the Vite config, and index.html by @nicholas-codecov in #3361
- chore: Move Storybook over to Vite by @nicholas-codecov in #3346
- feat: Tokenless banners by @RulaKhaled in #3358
- chore: Cleanup remaining MSW V1 things by @nicholas-codecov in #3365
- fix: Add script in the index.html if unable to dynamically load asset by @nicholas-codecov in #3373
- feat: Add useEnterpriseAccountDetails hook by @spalmurray-codecov in #3374
- feat: Add multiple flags error message to upload items by @spalmurray-codecov in #3375
- feat: Use new nested testAnalytics graphql schema by @suejung-sentry in #3354
- chore: Move Dockerfile over to Vite by @nicholas-codecov in #3380
- Add Account usage banners to plan page by @spalmurray-codecov in #3381
- feat: Adjust repo upload token settings with a new note by @RulaKhaled in #3372
- feat: Set token required in Tokenless section under org upload token by @RulaKhaled in #3366
- chore: Update commit page indirect changes to use new diff viewer by @nicholas-codecov in #3357
- chore: Clean up Jest things by @nicholas-codecov in #3376
- Add login link to error message in fileviewer by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3377
- fix: Fix commit detail page error boundary by @suejung-sentry in #3371
- fix: Small spacing issue on coverage onboarding by @nicholas-codecov in #3386
- chore: Update Rollup 10/11/2024 by @nicholas-codecov in #3387
- feat: Add useInfiniteAccountOrganizations hook by @spalmurray-codecov in #3385
- spalmurray/account details card by @spalmurray-codecov in #3382
- feat: Update commit graphql queries to use new coverage and bundleAna… by @calvin-codecov in #3363
- chore: Rename msw2 to msw by @nicholas-codecov in #3398
- chore: Add new diff viewer to commit files changed by @nicholas-codecov in #3356
- chore: Update pulls page files changed diff to new renderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3359
- chore: Tidy up virtual renderers by @nicholas-codecov in #3353
- chore: Removing CRACO by @nicholas-codecov in #3393
- fix: Small Issues with Linter by @nicholas-codecov in #3403
- fix: New diff renderer coverage off by one by @nicholas-codecov in #3405
- chore: Add react source maps to our builds by @nicholas-codecov in #3404
- chore: Update react-intersection-observer by @spalmurray-codecov in #3406
- fix: Move from commit SHA to 22 char hash and polyfill Promise.allSettled by @nicholas-codecov in #3410
- chore: Modify our Sentry ignore errors by @nicholas-codecov in #3408
- feat: Add TS Query v5 to Gazebo by @nicholas-codecov in #3415
- feat: Move to a stacked area chart on the bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #3396
- fix: Invalid Schema for useUploadTokenRequired by @nicholas-codecov in #3416
- feat: Add org list for multi org setups on plan page by @spalmurray-codecov in #3407
- fix: Incorrect default colors on Tooltip by @spalmurray-codecov in #3418
- fix: Results array for impacted files is nullable by @nicholas-codecov in #3422
- feat: Capture certain network errors to Sentry by @nicholas-codecov in #3423
- feat: Change cancellation confirmation banner and handle auto-refund … by @calvin-codecov in #3399
- fix: Truncate sunburst chart's breadcrumbs by @suejung-sentry in #3413
- chore: Remove old single file renderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3427
- chore: Remove old Vite commands by @nicholas-codecov in #3428
- fix: Separate header render from main app by @suejung-sentry in #3401
- feat: Change errored uploads and uploads list text by @calvin-codecov in #3429
- feat: Add CI status tooltip by @calvin-codecov in #3411
- feat: Update Jest TA onboarding copy to include filepath setting by @ajay-sentry in #3433
- rev: Revert ignoring failing to import module in Sentry by @nicholas-codecov in #3431
- chore: Remove ui/BundleTrendChart by @nicholas-codecov in #3441
- chore: Update Vite and Vitest deps by @nicholas-codecov in #3443
- feat: Rework how we capture service errors to sentry by @nicholas-codecov in #3436
- chore: Convert to TS - shared context, plan, propTypes, treePaths by @suejung-sentry in #3438
- fix: Scrolling issues with virtual renderers by @nicholas-codecov in #3446
- chore: Remove VirtualDiff feature flag FilesChanged CommitDiff by @nicholas-codecov in #3435
- Update BA endpoint to use a separate secret by @adrian-codecov in #3437
- fix: Add back needed z-index style by @calvin-codecov in #3447
- feat: Add 'viewing as visitor' label by @suejung-sentry in #3445
- chore: Remove virtual renderer flag pulls files changed diff by @ni...
Release 24.10.1
Autogenerated for 24.10.1. Created for #3341
What's Changed
- Hackweek: Codecov Dark Mode by @ajay-sentry in #3136
- fix: z-index issues on pulls and commits by @nicholas-codecov in #3159
- ref: Convert useUploads to TS + performance improvements by @ajay-sentry in #3156
- fix: Sentry errors related to unsafe .at() by @ajay-sentry in #3160
- fix: hover styles for dark mode on selectors by @ajay-sentry in #3161
- chore: Bump Codecov plugin to latest beta by @nicholas-codecov in #3163
- feat, ref: More language support and some tweaks to Prism setup by @nicholas-codecov in #3149
- Revert "feat, ref: More language support and some tweaks to Prism setup" by @nicholas-codecov in #3164
- feat, ref: Round 2 - More language support and some tweaks to Prism setup by @nicholas-codecov in #3165
- feat: Fire Pendo event on RepoPage for JS and TS users by @nicholas-codecov in #3158
- fix: Add gaps back in by @nicholas-codecov in #3166
- fix: Add nullable to scheduled phase by @ajay-sentry in #3167
- fix: Await the imports after enabling prism by @nicholas-codecov in #3168
- feat: Create a new metric reusable component by @RulaKhaled in #3154
- fix: Reflect number of uploads after deleting duplicate uploads by @RulaKhaled in #3157
- chore: Bump to 1.0.0 of the Bundler Plugin by @nicholas-codecov in #3172
- fix: Plan option not updating when plan param is set by @nicholas-codecov in #3173
- feat: Add in new hook to fetch paginated bundle assets by @nicholas-codecov in #3176
- chore: Update pre-commit hook to use yarn instead of npm by @spalmurray-codecov in #3121
- chore: Remove beta pill from bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #3175
- feat: Update assets table to use paginated hook by @nicholas-codecov in #3179
- chore: Update yarn to 4.4.1 by @spalmurray-codecov in #3178
- chore: Clean up from 2489 by @nicholas-codecov in #3180
- Update with branch param instead of search by @calvin-codecov in #3147
- fix: Re-render issue with AssetsTable by @nicholas-codecov in #3183
- Persist Selected Branch Across Tabs/Pages by @calvin-codecov in #3181
- fix: Continue to show FlagsTable for flag tab with selected branch by @calvin-codecov in #3186
- fix: Differentiate flags vs components configuration description by @calvin-codecov in #3184
- fix: useRepoCoverageTimeseries using wrong field by @nicholas-codecov in #3190
- fix: Dark mode colors on Message component by @ajay-sentry in #3189
- add new UploadErrorEnum values by @matt-codecov in #3193
- fix: Update cancel color for dark mode by @ajay-sentry in #3192
- feat: Add in option to use Vite by @nicholas-codecov in #3191
- chore: Remove outdated README badges by @spalmurray-codecov in #3198
- chore: Some fall cleanup of the old_ui dir by @nicholas-codecov in #3195
- chore: Remove old lint rules by @nicholas-codecov in #3199
- fix: Users unable to cancel when have adblock by @ajay-sentry in #3194
- feat: Render okta errors based on error param by @RulaKhaled in #3196
- chore: Add and configure Vite plugins by @nicholas-codecov in #3197
- fix: Show tests tab for public repos without a user being logged in by @RulaKhaled in #3200
- fix: Pytest coverage command in onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #3204
- fix: missing l on cancellation by @ajay-sentry in #3205
- fix: Move Sunburst logic from recursion to stack based by @nicholas-codecov in #3206
- fix: Guard when calling match() on undefined by @ajay-sentry in #3207
- feat: Setup Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3201
- chore: Update layout/EnterpriseLoginLayout test to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3209
- chore: Update layouts/BaseLayout tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3208
- chore: Update layouts/Footer tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3210
- chore: Update layouts/Header tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3211
- chore: Update layouts/LoginLayout to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3212
- chore: Update yarn to 4.5.0 by @spalmurray-codecov in #3215
- chore: Remove old MyContextSwitcher by @nicholas-codecov in #3213
- chore: Update ui/TotalsNumber to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3220
- chore: Update ui/TruncatedMessage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3219
- chore: Vitest config tweaks by @nicholas-codecov in #3222
- chore: Update layouts/shared tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3214
- chore: Update layouts/SidebarLayout to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3216
- chore: Update layouts/ToastNotifications to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3217
- chore: Update ui/VirtualFileRenderer test to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3218
- chore: Update pages/AccountSettings to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3227
- chore: Remove unused manual cleanups from tests by @nicholas-codecov in #3224
- chore: Update ui/TopBanner tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3225
- chore: Update ui/ToolTip to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3226
- chore: Update shared/utils tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3228
- chore: Update ui/Select to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3242
- chore: Update ui/MultiSelect to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3248
- [feat] Add AI features tab at the org level by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3185
- chore: Bump micromatch to resolve vulnerability by @suejung-sentry in #3202
- chore: Remove dark mode feature flag by @suejung-sentry in #3237
- feat: Tokenless section in global upload token tab by @RulaKhaled in #3223
- chore: update ui/ToggleElement to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3230
- chore: Update ui/TextInput to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3233
- chore: Update ui/SummaryDropdown to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3235
- chore: Update ui/Sparkline tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3239
- chore: Update ui/Card tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3269
- chore: Update ui/BundleTrendChart tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3271
- chore: Update ui/Button tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3270
- chore: Update shared/GlobalBanners to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3288
- chore: Update ui/Breadcrumb tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3272
- chore: Update ui/Banner tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3273
- chore: Remove old session expiry cleanup code by @spalmurray-codecov in #3284
- chore: Update ui/Badge tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3274
- chore: Update ui/Avatar tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3275
- chore: Update ui/Alert tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3276
- chore: Update ui/A tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3277
- chore: Update ui/Sidemenu to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3240
- chore: Update ui/SettingsDescriptor to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3241
- chore: Update ui/SearchField to Vitest by @nicholas-code...
Release 24.9.3
Autogenerated for 24.9.3. Created for #3155
What's Changed
- fix: Fix suspense err in HeaderBanners by @suejung-sentry in #3098
- fix: Revert change to new github respository secret link in onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #3102
- ref: Update org dropdown call to action text by @suejung-sentry in #3095
- feat: improve cancel plan messaging by @calvin-codecov in #3099
- fix: File explorer sticky top bar in wrong location by @spalmurray-codecov in #3105
- style: Tweak configuration manager styles by @spalmurray-codecov in #3107
- feat: Add 429 Network Error page and sentry metric by @ajay-sentry in #3108
- style: Recolor time series charts by @suejung-sentry in #3109
- feat: Introduce VirtualFileRenderer to handle rendering of large files by @nicholas-codecov in #3091
- chore: Update lint-staged and husky to latest by @ajay-sentry in #3111
- chore: Remove faker by @ajay-sentry in #3112
- feat: Clarify onboarding org choices for business by @calvin-codecov in #3103
- ref: Convert BaseLayout to TS by @spalmurray-codecov in #3114
- chore: Remove stryker and update readme by @calvin-codecov in #3115
- chore: Update yarn version and align pinned nvm node by @spalmurray-codecov in #3116
- feat: Add new file viewer behind feature flag by @nicholas-codecov in #3113
- feat: Add framework selector to GitHub Actions coverage onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #3104
- chore: update postcss to 8.4.31 or higher by @calvin-codecov in #3106
- feat: Add in more language support for code renderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3118
- ref: Consolidate comparison error banners into a single component by @spalmurray-codecov in #3120
- feat: Add default codecov demo for new signups by @suejung-sentry in #3110
- feat(sentry): Allow filtering of unwanted third party errors by @lforst in #3124
- feat: Add coverage icons to virtual file renderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3117
- fix: Memoize Highlight so it does not re-render on line click by @nicholas-codecov in #3123
- fix: Make uploads on commit sticky by @spalmurray-codecov in #3125
- feat: Add share with admin button to DefaultOrgSelector by @spalmurray-codecov in #3126
- feat: Shift error boundary to include header by @ajay-sentry in #3119
- ref: Consolidate ToggleElement components by @spalmurray-codecov in #3128
- chore: Ignore flaky App.spec.tsx - AccountSettings test by @spalmurray-codecov in #3131
- chore: Add support for more languages by @nicholas-codecov in #3129
- dev: remove test skip and move login tests to end by @ajay-sentry in #3132
- feat: Add Pro Plan feedback survey banner by @spalmurray-codecov in #3134
- feat: Add bundle analysis feedback survey banner by @spalmurray-codecov in #3135
- fix: Set correct scroll margin in new file renderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3130
- fix: Destruct isDirty directly from formstate object by @RulaKhaled in #3139
- fix: Other instances of incorrect use of formState by @nicholas-codecov in #3140
- feat: Add Sentry Profiler and profiling for code renderers by @nicholas-codecov in #3141
- fix: Line coverage off by one in VirtualFileRenderer by @spalmurray-codecov in #3143
- feat: Add new meta-framework onboarding doc tabs by @calvin-codecov in #3127
- fix: Clean up okta feature flag by @RulaKhaled in #3144
- ref: Optimize SVGs by @nicholas-codecov in #3142
- feat: Even more language support by @nicholas-codecov in #3138
- fix: Show enable button in components/flags for activated users only by @RulaKhaled in #3145
- feat: Handle activation alert in failed tests page by @RulaKhaled in #3133
- Add type checking for codecov metrics by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3148
- fix: update FailedTestsTab by @joseph-sentry in #3150
- chore: Remove multipleTiers FF calls throughout app by @ajay-sentry in #3153
- feat: Create new tooltip component by @RulaKhaled in #3152
- Release 24.9.3 by @codecov-releaser in #3155
New Contributors
Full Changelog: self-hosted-24.8.1...self-hosted-24.9.3
Release 24.8.1
Autogenerated for 24.8.1. Created for #3096
What's Changed
- ref: Convert useUser to TS by @spalmurray-codecov in #2972
- feat: Hide old header stuff when new header flag is true by @spalmurray-codecov in #2967
- Enable flake detection by @joseph-sentry in #2980
- feat: Create hook to format and merge data by @nicholas-codecov in #2983
- feat: Add in bundle chart by @nicholas-codecov in #2984
- feat: build OKTA form within OKTA access tab by @RulaKhaled in #2974
- feat: Add show/hide chart toggle on bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #2985
- feat: Create new okta banners by @RulaKhaled in #2976
- feat: Implement new header's User dropdown by @spalmurray-codecov in #2973
- Update Repo queries to use GQL by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2943
- chore: Update WS by @nicholas-codecov in #2989
- feat: Implement help dropdown for new header by @spalmurray-codecov in #2986
- fix: Remove session expiry tracker by @spalmurray-codecov in #2988
- chore: Make after nullable for BA queries by @nicholas-codecov in #2995
- chore: Remove spotlight by @nicholas-codecov in #2994
- feat: plan cards styling changes by @calvin-codecov in #2982
- feat: Add Tax information to Plan Page by @ajay-sentry in #2997
- feat: Create OKTA hooks and hook them up with form by @RulaKhaled in #2991
- feat: Add self-hosted items to new header by @spalmurray-codecov in #2996
- fix: Oldheader admin link has wrong link variant by @spalmurray-codecov in #3001
- feat: Add TaxId to Invoice Page by @ajay-sentry in #3002
- feat: Add percentage to size column by @nicholas-codecov in #2990
- fix: Update schema for account details with correct tax info by @ajay-sentry in #3003
- ref: Rework RepoBreadcrumbContext so it's available in new header by @spalmurray-codecov in #3004
- feat: swap successful plan change msg to banner by @calvin-codecov in #2992
- fix: nullish defaultPaymentMethod for Link users by @ajay-sentry in #3006
- chore: Remove unused useOrganizations hook by @spalmurray-codecov in #3009
- feat: Add Update Plan blurb when changing plan details by @ajay-sentry in #3008
- ref: Convert useMyContexts to TS by @spalmurray-codecov in #3010
- fix: Nulls when address info doesn't exist on Plan page by @ajay-sentry in #3011
- feat: add back and cancel btns to TOS and Org select pages by @calvin-codecov in #3007
- fix: Don't fire update default org if user already has a default org by @RulaKhaled in #3014
- ref: Refactor current upload error messaging by @RulaKhaled in #2998
- Fix a typo in the README by @Swatinem in #3015
- feat: Hook up bundle assets to trend selector by @nicholas-codecov in #2987
- feat: Implement remaining Navigator functionality for new header by @spalmurray-codecov in #3012
- fix: Move render error down the download link in upload card. by @RulaKhaled in #3018
- feat: Add in change overtime column with sparkline by @nicholas-codecov in #3005
- fix: Make before and after nullable by @nicholas-codecov in #3021
- feat: Move bundle tab trend dropdown by @nicholas-codecov in #3019
- fix: Help dropdown user feedback scrolling bug by @spalmurray-codecov in #3022
- feat: New header polish by @spalmurray-codecov in #3017
- [feat] Add repo level exceeded GH rate limit banner by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2999
- fix enterprise url not properly being set during build by @JerrySentry in #3029
- dev: Use Yarn 4.3.1 instead of npm by @ajay-sentry in #3016
- feat: new ui dropdown component by @calvin-codecov in #3020
- Fix Whitespace in
by @Swatinem in #3024 - feat: Replace line count title by @nicholas-codecov in #3034
- feat: Add impersonation banner to new header by @spalmurray-codecov in #3036
- style: Hide self-hosted header items on small screen sizes by @spalmurray-codecov in #3037
- [vuln] Bump semver to 7.5.2 by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3038
- fix: Update navigation footer by @suejung-sentry in #3033
- Other CLI New repo onboarding text changes by @calvin-codecov in #2956
- feat: Add configuration manager tab to repo settings by @spalmurray-codecov in #3040
- feat: Create hook for test results by @RulaKhaled in #3044
- ref: Move bundle details by @nicholas-codecov in #3035
- fix: show team plan on upgrade plan page when click team upgrade and has sentryId by @ajay-sentry in #3046
- feat: Add delinquent alert when user has due payment by @ajay-sentry in #3051
- feat: Add routing for Failed Test Table and init FailedTestTable Component (Part 1) by @ajay-sentry in #3042
- feat: Implement useRepoConfigurationStatus by @spalmurray-codecov in #3057
- fix: Slow tailwind eslint rule by @spalmurray-codecov in #3059
- fix: make readonly yaml editor appear less editable by @calvin-codecov in #3053
- feat: Create components for use in configuration manager by @spalmurray-codecov in #3056
- fix: change github app cta link from app desc page to choose org by @calvin-codecov in #3058
- feat: Create logic for OKTA banners by @RulaKhaled in #3043
- dev: Remove yup and convert to zod by @ajay-sentry in #3060
- chore: Use recommended tailwind eslint plugin config and fix warnings by @spalmurray-codecov in #3063
- dev: update date-fns to latest by @ajay-sentry in #3067
- Feat: Fix Failed Test Table Sort, link Hook, and add Spec by @ajay-sentry in #3054
- feat: Add bundle type multi-select to bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #3049
- Remove the "Subscription Update Failed" banner when there is no error by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3064
- fix: Update Enterprise Login header by @suejung-sentry in #3047
- chore: update prettier to latest by @ajay-sentry in #3068
- feat: Create branch selector for test results tab by @RulaKhaled in #3062
- feat: Implement coverage group for configuration manager page by @spalmurray-codecov in #3065
- fix: Update with some okta tweaks by @RulaKhaled in #3071
- fix: Avatars not loading for github provider by @spalmurray-codecov in #3075
- feat: Implement Codecov integrations feature group by @spalmurray-codecov in #3074
- feat: Implement Bundle analysis feature group by @spalmurray-codecov in #3073
- feat: Implement Test analytics feature group by @spalmurray-codecov in #3072
- fix: Use numeric type on Failed Test Table columns by @ajay-sentry in #3078
- fix: add breadcrumb to bundle content page by @ajay-sentry in #3080
- [feat] Add rate limit messaging on repo list page by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3025
- chore: Remove old header by @spalmurray-codecov in #3076
- chore: Remove old secondary navs and feature flagging by @spalmurray-codecov in #3077
- ref: Convert pull/commit details page error banners to Alert component by @spalmurray-codecov in #3085
- ref: Change name of repo settings tab to configuration by @spalmurray-codecov in