Release 24.10.1
342 commits
to main
since this release
Autogenerated for 24.10.1. Created for #3341
What's Changed
- Hackweek: Codecov Dark Mode by @ajay-sentry in #3136
- fix: z-index issues on pulls and commits by @nicholas-codecov in #3159
- ref: Convert useUploads to TS + performance improvements by @ajay-sentry in #3156
- fix: Sentry errors related to unsafe .at() by @ajay-sentry in #3160
- fix: hover styles for dark mode on selectors by @ajay-sentry in #3161
- chore: Bump Codecov plugin to latest beta by @nicholas-codecov in #3163
- feat, ref: More language support and some tweaks to Prism setup by @nicholas-codecov in #3149
- Revert "feat, ref: More language support and some tweaks to Prism setup" by @nicholas-codecov in #3164
- feat, ref: Round 2 - More language support and some tweaks to Prism setup by @nicholas-codecov in #3165
- feat: Fire Pendo event on RepoPage for JS and TS users by @nicholas-codecov in #3158
- fix: Add gaps back in by @nicholas-codecov in #3166
- fix: Add nullable to scheduled phase by @ajay-sentry in #3167
- fix: Await the imports after enabling prism by @nicholas-codecov in #3168
- feat: Create a new metric reusable component by @RulaKhaled in #3154
- fix: Reflect number of uploads after deleting duplicate uploads by @RulaKhaled in #3157
- chore: Bump to 1.0.0 of the Bundler Plugin by @nicholas-codecov in #3172
- fix: Plan option not updating when plan param is set by @nicholas-codecov in #3173
- feat: Add in new hook to fetch paginated bundle assets by @nicholas-codecov in #3176
- chore: Update pre-commit hook to use yarn instead of npm by @spalmurray-codecov in #3121
- chore: Remove beta pill from bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #3175
- feat: Update assets table to use paginated hook by @nicholas-codecov in #3179
- chore: Update yarn to 4.4.1 by @spalmurray-codecov in #3178
- chore: Clean up from 2489 by @nicholas-codecov in #3180
- Update with branch param instead of search by @calvin-codecov in #3147
- fix: Re-render issue with AssetsTable by @nicholas-codecov in #3183
- Persist Selected Branch Across Tabs/Pages by @calvin-codecov in #3181
- fix: Continue to show FlagsTable for flag tab with selected branch by @calvin-codecov in #3186
- fix: Differentiate flags vs components configuration description by @calvin-codecov in #3184
- fix: useRepoCoverageTimeseries using wrong field by @nicholas-codecov in #3190
- fix: Dark mode colors on Message component by @ajay-sentry in #3189
- add new UploadErrorEnum values by @matt-codecov in #3193
- fix: Update cancel color for dark mode by @ajay-sentry in #3192
- feat: Add in option to use Vite by @nicholas-codecov in #3191
- chore: Remove outdated README badges by @spalmurray-codecov in #3198
- chore: Some fall cleanup of the old_ui dir by @nicholas-codecov in #3195
- chore: Remove old lint rules by @nicholas-codecov in #3199
- fix: Users unable to cancel when have adblock by @ajay-sentry in #3194
- feat: Render okta errors based on error param by @RulaKhaled in #3196
- chore: Add and configure Vite plugins by @nicholas-codecov in #3197
- fix: Show tests tab for public repos without a user being logged in by @RulaKhaled in #3200
- fix: Pytest coverage command in onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #3204
- fix: missing l on cancellation by @ajay-sentry in #3205
- fix: Move Sunburst logic from recursion to stack based by @nicholas-codecov in #3206
- fix: Guard when calling match() on undefined by @ajay-sentry in #3207
- feat: Setup Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3201
- chore: Update layout/EnterpriseLoginLayout test to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3209
- chore: Update layouts/BaseLayout tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3208
- chore: Update layouts/Footer tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3210
- chore: Update layouts/Header tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3211
- chore: Update layouts/LoginLayout to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3212
- chore: Update yarn to 4.5.0 by @spalmurray-codecov in #3215
- chore: Remove old MyContextSwitcher by @nicholas-codecov in #3213
- chore: Update ui/TotalsNumber to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3220
- chore: Update ui/TruncatedMessage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3219
- chore: Vitest config tweaks by @nicholas-codecov in #3222
- chore: Update layouts/shared tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3214
- chore: Update layouts/SidebarLayout to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3216
- chore: Update layouts/ToastNotifications to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3217
- chore: Update ui/VirtualFileRenderer test to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3218
- chore: Update pages/AccountSettings to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3227
- chore: Remove unused manual cleanups from tests by @nicholas-codecov in #3224
- chore: Update ui/TopBanner tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3225
- chore: Update ui/ToolTip to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3226
- chore: Update shared/utils tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3228
- chore: Update ui/Select to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3242
- chore: Update ui/MultiSelect to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3248
- [feat] Add AI features tab at the org level by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3185
- chore: Bump micromatch to resolve vulnerability by @suejung-sentry in #3202
- chore: Remove dark mode feature flag by @suejung-sentry in #3237
- feat: Tokenless section in global upload token tab by @RulaKhaled in #3223
- chore: update ui/ToggleElement to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3230
- chore: Update ui/TextInput to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3233
- chore: Update ui/SummaryDropdown to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3235
- chore: Update ui/Sparkline tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3239
- chore: Update ui/Card tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3269
- chore: Update ui/BundleTrendChart tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3271
- chore: Update ui/Button tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3270
- chore: Update shared/GlobalBanners to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3288
- chore: Update ui/Breadcrumb tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3272
- chore: Update ui/Banner tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3273
- chore: Remove old session expiry cleanup code by @spalmurray-codecov in #3284
- chore: Update ui/Badge tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3274
- chore: Update ui/Avatar tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3275
- chore: Update ui/Alert tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3276
- chore: Update ui/A tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3277
- chore: Update ui/Sidemenu to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3240
- chore: Update ui/SettingsDescriptor to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3241
- chore: Update ui/SearchField to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3243
- chore: Update shared/featureFlag tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3285
- chore: Update shared FlagsNotConfigured, plan, RawFileViewer, and ThemeContext tests by @nicholas-codecov in #3286
- chore: Update shared/ComponentsNotConfigured tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3282
- chore: Update shared/ComparisonErrorBanner tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3281
- chore: Update shared/asserts tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3280
- chore: Update shared/AppLink tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3279
- chore: Update ui/Chart tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3268
- chore: Update ui/Checkbox tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3267
- chore: Remove ui/CheckList as its not used by @nicholas-codecov in #3266
- chore: Update ui/CodeRenderer to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3264
- chore: Update shared/useTreePaths shared/useRedirect tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3291
- fix: URL params not being passed to pull prefetching hooks by @nicholas-codecov in #3293
- chore: Update services with small amount of tests by @nicholas-codecov in #3292
- chore: Update shared/api tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3278
- fix: Small tweaks to line number column on VirtualFileRenderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3296
- chore: Update ui/TokenWrapper tests to vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3229
- chore: Update shared/ListRepo tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3290
- chore: Update shared/GlobalTopBanners tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3289
- chore: Update ui/TabNavigation to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3234
- chore: Update ui/Toggle to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3232
- chore: Update ui/RadioTileGroup to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3244
- chore: Update ui/RadioInput to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3245
- fix: Add host flag to vite start script by @spalmurray-codecov in #3312
- chore: Update pages/CodecovAIPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3311
- chore: Update ui/GraphCard to TS and Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3254
- chore: Update ui/ExpandableSection to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3255
- chore: Update pages/AdminSettings tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3309
- chore: Update pages/AnalyticsPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3310
- chore: Update ui/Progress tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3246
- Chore update ui/Summary to TS and Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3236
- chore: Update ui/OptionButton to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3247
- chore: Update ui/Modal to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3249
- chore: Update ui/MetricCard tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3250
- chore: Remove ui/List component by @nicholas-codecov in #3251
- chore: Update ui/Label to Vitest and TS by @nicholas-codecov in #3252
- chore: Update ui/Icon tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3253
- chore: Update ui/Dropdown tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3256
- chore: Update ui/DateRangePicker to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3257
- chore: Update ui/CoverageProgress to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3258
- chore: Update ui/CoverageAreaChart to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3259
- chore: Update ui/CopyClipboard to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3260
- chore: Update ui/ContextSwitcher tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3261
- chore: Update ui/CodeSnippet tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3262
- feat: Add new checkbox component by @spalmurray-codecov in #3321
- chore: Update ui/FileViewer to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3263
- ref: Remove old checkbox component by @spalmurray-codecov in #3325
- chore: Update ui/CIStatus to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3265
- chore: Update services/access to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3294
- chore: Update services/account tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3295
- chore: Update services/branches tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3297
- chore: Update services/commit to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3300
- chore: Update services/bundleAnalysis tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3298
- chore: Update services/repos tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3306
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage/CommitsTab tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3329
- fix: Spacing on upload by @spalmurray-codecov in #3330
- feat: Use new coverage analytics graphql schema by @suejung-sentry in #3169
- chore: Bump vite to resolve vulnerability by @suejung-sentry in #3331
- feat: Tokenless banner for admin/member views by @RulaKhaled in #3287
- chore: Update sentry version by @ajay-sentry in #3337
- chore: Resolve vulnerability vite by @suejung-sentry in #3336
- chore: Resolve vulnerabilities - express, path-to-regexp by @suejung-sentry in #3338
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage/PullsTab tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3334
- chore: Update services/pull tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3304
- chore: Update services/pathContents to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3302
- chore: Update second group of services tests by @nicholas-codecov in #3301
- chore: Update services/charts tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3299
- [feat] Add configured repos table to the Codecov AI tab by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3303
- [fix] Update error message copy on uploads card by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3326
- [fix] Adjust spacing on AI commands text by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3340
- fix: Use coverageAnalytics new graphql fields by @suejung-sentry in #3339
- chore: Update services/user tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3308
- chore: Update services/selfHosted tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3307
- Release 24.10.1 by @codecov-releaser in #3341
Full Changelog: self-hosted-24.9.3...self-hosted-24.10.1