Release 24.8.1
552 commits
to main
since this release
Autogenerated for 24.8.1. Created for #3096
What's Changed
- ref: Convert useUser to TS by @spalmurray-codecov in #2972
- feat: Hide old header stuff when new header flag is true by @spalmurray-codecov in #2967
- Enable flake detection by @joseph-sentry in #2980
- feat: Create hook to format and merge data by @nicholas-codecov in #2983
- feat: Add in bundle chart by @nicholas-codecov in #2984
- feat: build OKTA form within OKTA access tab by @RulaKhaled in #2974
- feat: Add show/hide chart toggle on bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #2985
- feat: Create new okta banners by @RulaKhaled in #2976
- feat: Implement new header's User dropdown by @spalmurray-codecov in #2973
- Update Repo queries to use GQL by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2943
- chore: Update WS by @nicholas-codecov in #2989
- feat: Implement help dropdown for new header by @spalmurray-codecov in #2986
- fix: Remove session expiry tracker by @spalmurray-codecov in #2988
- chore: Make after nullable for BA queries by @nicholas-codecov in #2995
- chore: Remove spotlight by @nicholas-codecov in #2994
- feat: plan cards styling changes by @calvin-codecov in #2982
- feat: Add Tax information to Plan Page by @ajay-sentry in #2997
- feat: Create OKTA hooks and hook them up with form by @RulaKhaled in #2991
- feat: Add self-hosted items to new header by @spalmurray-codecov in #2996
- fix: Oldheader admin link has wrong link variant by @spalmurray-codecov in #3001
- feat: Add TaxId to Invoice Page by @ajay-sentry in #3002
- feat: Add percentage to size column by @nicholas-codecov in #2990
- fix: Update schema for account details with correct tax info by @ajay-sentry in #3003
- ref: Rework RepoBreadcrumbContext so it's available in new header by @spalmurray-codecov in #3004
- feat: swap successful plan change msg to banner by @calvin-codecov in #2992
- fix: nullish defaultPaymentMethod for Link users by @ajay-sentry in #3006
- chore: Remove unused useOrganizations hook by @spalmurray-codecov in #3009
- feat: Add Update Plan blurb when changing plan details by @ajay-sentry in #3008
- ref: Convert useMyContexts to TS by @spalmurray-codecov in #3010
- fix: Nulls when address info doesn't exist on Plan page by @ajay-sentry in #3011
- feat: add back and cancel btns to TOS and Org select pages by @calvin-codecov in #3007
- fix: Don't fire update default org if user already has a default org by @RulaKhaled in #3014
- ref: Refactor current upload error messaging by @RulaKhaled in #2998
- Fix a typo in the README by @Swatinem in #3015
- feat: Hook up bundle assets to trend selector by @nicholas-codecov in #2987
- feat: Implement remaining Navigator functionality for new header by @spalmurray-codecov in #3012
- fix: Move render error down the download link in upload card. by @RulaKhaled in #3018
- feat: Add in change overtime column with sparkline by @nicholas-codecov in #3005
- fix: Make before and after nullable by @nicholas-codecov in #3021
- feat: Move bundle tab trend dropdown by @nicholas-codecov in #3019
- fix: Help dropdown user feedback scrolling bug by @spalmurray-codecov in #3022
- feat: New header polish by @spalmurray-codecov in #3017
- [feat] Add repo level exceeded GH rate limit banner by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2999
- fix enterprise url not properly being set during build by @JerrySentry in #3029
- dev: Use Yarn 4.3.1 instead of npm by @ajay-sentry in #3016
- feat: new ui dropdown component by @calvin-codecov in #3020
- Fix Whitespace in
by @Swatinem in #3024 - feat: Replace line count title by @nicholas-codecov in #3034
- feat: Add impersonation banner to new header by @spalmurray-codecov in #3036
- style: Hide self-hosted header items on small screen sizes by @spalmurray-codecov in #3037
- [vuln] Bump semver to 7.5.2 by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3038
- fix: Update navigation footer by @suejung-sentry in #3033
- Other CLI New repo onboarding text changes by @calvin-codecov in #2956
- feat: Add configuration manager tab to repo settings by @spalmurray-codecov in #3040
- feat: Create hook for test results by @RulaKhaled in #3044
- ref: Move bundle details by @nicholas-codecov in #3035
- fix: show team plan on upgrade plan page when click team upgrade and has sentryId by @ajay-sentry in #3046
- feat: Add delinquent alert when user has due payment by @ajay-sentry in #3051
- feat: Add routing for Failed Test Table and init FailedTestTable Component (Part 1) by @ajay-sentry in #3042
- feat: Implement useRepoConfigurationStatus by @spalmurray-codecov in #3057
- fix: Slow tailwind eslint rule by @spalmurray-codecov in #3059
- fix: make readonly yaml editor appear less editable by @calvin-codecov in #3053
- feat: Create components for use in configuration manager by @spalmurray-codecov in #3056
- fix: change github app cta link from app desc page to choose org by @calvin-codecov in #3058
- feat: Create logic for OKTA banners by @RulaKhaled in #3043
- dev: Remove yup and convert to zod by @ajay-sentry in #3060
- chore: Use recommended tailwind eslint plugin config and fix warnings by @spalmurray-codecov in #3063
- dev: update date-fns to latest by @ajay-sentry in #3067
- Feat: Fix Failed Test Table Sort, link Hook, and add Spec by @ajay-sentry in #3054
- feat: Add bundle type multi-select to bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #3049
- Remove the "Subscription Update Failed" banner when there is no error by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3064
- fix: Update Enterprise Login header by @suejung-sentry in #3047
- chore: update prettier to latest by @ajay-sentry in #3068
- feat: Create branch selector for test results tab by @RulaKhaled in #3062
- feat: Implement coverage group for configuration manager page by @spalmurray-codecov in #3065
- fix: Update with some okta tweaks by @RulaKhaled in #3071
- fix: Avatars not loading for github provider by @spalmurray-codecov in #3075
- feat: Implement Codecov integrations feature group by @spalmurray-codecov in #3074
- feat: Implement Bundle analysis feature group by @spalmurray-codecov in #3073
- feat: Implement Test analytics feature group by @spalmurray-codecov in #3072
- fix: Use numeric type on Failed Test Table columns by @ajay-sentry in #3078
- fix: add breadcrumb to bundle content page by @ajay-sentry in #3080
- [feat] Add rate limit messaging on repo list page by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3025
- chore: Remove old header by @spalmurray-codecov in #3076
- chore: Remove old secondary navs and feature flagging by @spalmurray-codecov in #3077
- ref: Convert pull/commit details page error banners to Alert component by @spalmurray-codecov in #3085
- ref: Change name of repo settings tab to configuration by @spalmurray-codecov in #3084
- feat: Align onboarding page header styles by @spalmurray-codecov in #3087
- fix: hide readonly yaml cursor by @calvin-codecov in #3079
- feat: Remove unneeded utm tracking code by @calvin-codecov in #3082
- dev: Upgrade storybook from ^7.6.17 -> ^8.2.6 by @ajay-sentry in #3069
- fix: Fix schema of isUserOktaAuthenticated so it accepts nullable returned values by @RulaKhaled in #3083
- feat: Add in new charting library by @nicholas-codecov in #3061
- feat: Create multi-select for load types by @nicholas-codecov in #3070
- ref: Use new component for Help, User dropdowns by @suejung-sentry in #3088
- fix: Make isGithubRateLimited param nullable by @ajay-sentry in #3094
- fix: display file explorer even when missing base commit by @calvin-codecov in #3050
- feat: Adjust Sentry user feedback instances by @spalmurray-codecov in #3089
- unfeat: Remove branch breadcrumb on repo page by @spalmurray-codecov in #3092
- chore: Remove hit counts from pulls page by @nicholas-codecov in #3093
- dev: remove double yarn install on dockerfile by @ajay-sentry in #3097
- Release 24.8.1 by @codecov-releaser in #3096
New Contributors
- @Swatinem made their first contribution in #3015
- @suejung-sentry made their first contribution in #3033
Full Changelog: self-hosted-24.7.1...self-hosted-24.8.1