Release 24.9.3
501 commits
to main
since this release
Autogenerated for 24.9.3. Created for #3155
What's Changed
- fix: Fix suspense err in HeaderBanners by @suejung-sentry in #3098
- fix: Revert change to new github respository secret link in onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #3102
- ref: Update org dropdown call to action text by @suejung-sentry in #3095
- feat: improve cancel plan messaging by @calvin-codecov in #3099
- fix: File explorer sticky top bar in wrong location by @spalmurray-codecov in #3105
- style: Tweak configuration manager styles by @spalmurray-codecov in #3107
- feat: Add 429 Network Error page and sentry metric by @ajay-sentry in #3108
- style: Recolor time series charts by @suejung-sentry in #3109
- feat: Introduce VirtualFileRenderer to handle rendering of large files by @nicholas-codecov in #3091
- chore: Update lint-staged and husky to latest by @ajay-sentry in #3111
- chore: Remove faker by @ajay-sentry in #3112
- feat: Clarify onboarding org choices for business by @calvin-codecov in #3103
- ref: Convert BaseLayout to TS by @spalmurray-codecov in #3114
- chore: Remove stryker and update readme by @calvin-codecov in #3115
- chore: Update yarn version and align pinned nvm node by @spalmurray-codecov in #3116
- feat: Add new file viewer behind feature flag by @nicholas-codecov in #3113
- feat: Add framework selector to GitHub Actions coverage onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #3104
- chore: update postcss to 8.4.31 or higher by @calvin-codecov in #3106
- feat: Add in more language support for code renderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3118
- ref: Consolidate comparison error banners into a single component by @spalmurray-codecov in #3120
- feat: Add default codecov demo for new signups by @suejung-sentry in #3110
- feat(sentry): Allow filtering of unwanted third party errors by @lforst in #3124
- feat: Add coverage icons to virtual file renderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3117
- fix: Memoize Highlight so it does not re-render on line click by @nicholas-codecov in #3123
- fix: Make uploads on commit sticky by @spalmurray-codecov in #3125
- feat: Add share with admin button to DefaultOrgSelector by @spalmurray-codecov in #3126
- feat: Shift error boundary to include header by @ajay-sentry in #3119
- ref: Consolidate ToggleElement components by @spalmurray-codecov in #3128
- chore: Ignore flaky App.spec.tsx - AccountSettings test by @spalmurray-codecov in #3131
- chore: Add support for more languages by @nicholas-codecov in #3129
- dev: remove test skip and move login tests to end by @ajay-sentry in #3132
- feat: Add Pro Plan feedback survey banner by @spalmurray-codecov in #3134
- feat: Add bundle analysis feedback survey banner by @spalmurray-codecov in #3135
- fix: Set correct scroll margin in new file renderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3130
- fix: Destruct isDirty directly from formstate object by @RulaKhaled in #3139
- fix: Other instances of incorrect use of formState by @nicholas-codecov in #3140
- feat: Add Sentry Profiler and profiling for code renderers by @nicholas-codecov in #3141
- fix: Line coverage off by one in VirtualFileRenderer by @spalmurray-codecov in #3143
- feat: Add new meta-framework onboarding doc tabs by @calvin-codecov in #3127
- fix: Clean up okta feature flag by @RulaKhaled in #3144
- ref: Optimize SVGs by @nicholas-codecov in #3142
- feat: Even more language support by @nicholas-codecov in #3138
- fix: Show enable button in components/flags for activated users only by @RulaKhaled in #3145
- feat: Handle activation alert in failed tests page by @RulaKhaled in #3133
- Add type checking for codecov metrics by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3148
- fix: update FailedTestsTab by @joseph-sentry in #3150
- chore: Remove multipleTiers FF calls throughout app by @ajay-sentry in #3153
- feat: Create new tooltip component by @RulaKhaled in #3152
- Release 24.9.3 by @codecov-releaser in #3155
New Contributors
Full Changelog: self-hosted-24.8.1...self-hosted-24.9.3