Release 25.1.3
144 commits
to main
since this release
Autogenerated for 25.1.3. Created for #3624
What's Changed
- add PROCESSING_TIMEOUT upload error code by @matt-codecov in #3522
- refactor: Convert UI files to TS by @calvin-codecov in #3475
- fix: Fix link to custom gh app for self-hosted by @suejung-sentry in #3492
- fix: Incorrect Zod schema for CommitPageDataQueryOpts by @nicholas-codecov in #3557
- chore: Add Amplitude browser JS SDK by @spalmurray-codecov in #3555
- fix: Broken tests when custom GH_APP set locally by @spalmurray-codecov in #3558
- feat: Update useBundleAssets to fetch routes field by @nicholas-codecov in #3527
- chore: Migrate useCommitHeaderData to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3548
- chore: Migrate useCommitHeaderDataTeam to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3549
- chore: Migrate useIgnoredIds to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3547
- dev: Node 22 LTS by @ajay-sentry in #3507
- fix: Do not allow removing sorting from repos table by @calvin-codecov in #3554
- build: Apply recommended lint rules by @nicholas-codecov in #3524
- chore: Update Git Blame Ignore file by @nicholas-codecov in #3566
- chore: Migrate useInfiniteAccountOrganizations to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3569
- fix: useCommit doesn't always expect flags by @JerrySentry in #3570
- chore: Migrate usePlanPageData to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3567
- chore: Migrate useEnterpriseAccountDetails to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3571
- chore: Migrate useLoginProviders to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3572
- feat: Grab the plugin name for the given bundle by @nicholas-codecov in #3535
- feat: Migrate isEnterprisePlan to GQL Field by @ajay-sentry in #3576
- feat: Update AssetsTable to conditionally render file path column by @nicholas-codecov in #3565
- Convert shared P5 to TypeScript by @calvin-codecov in #3563
- remove flare graph from pr comment by @nora-codecov in #3581
- feat: new UI to clarify adding token by @calvin-codecov in #3552
- chore: Update Storybook from ^8.2.6 -> ^8.4.7 by @ajay-sentry in #3586
- chore: Update yarn to 4.5.3 by @spalmurray-codecov in #3589
- ref: Migrate isFreePlan to GQL Field and remove Helper by @ajay-sentry in #3584
- feat: Paginate files/dir list in repo overview page by @RulaKhaled in #3556
- chore: Replace account details plan data occurrences by @RulaKhaled in #3587
- fix: Change Pro Team to Pro by @ajay-sentry in #3593
- ref: Migrate isAnnualPlan && isMonthlyPlan to use BillingRate property from GQL by @ajay-sentry in #3588
- fix: Copy when changing plan from free plan by @ajay-sentry in #3594
- ref: Migrate off "Plan" object from accountDetails REST endpoint to GQL Plan by @ajay-sentry in #3597
- fix: OtherCI GPG instructions by @spalmurray-codecov in #3595
- feat: Add coverage generation step to CircleCI and OtherCI onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #3596
- fix: Fix rendered header error by @suejung-sentry in #3590
- fix: Pin demo repo to top during sort by @spalmurray-codecov in #3598
- ref: Migrate to
GQ field by @RulaKhaled in #3592 - dev: Clean up some unneccesary mocks to speed up gazebo tests by @ajay-sentry in #3604
- dev: update jsdom to remove punycode warning by @ajay-sentry in #3605
- ref: Convert isBasicPlan to isFreePlan GQL property by @ajay-sentry in #3600
- chore: Migrate useSyncProviders to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3573
- chore: Migrate useSelfHostedSettings to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3574
- chore: Migrate useSelfHostedUserList to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3575
- chore: Migrate useSelfHostedHasAdmins to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3579
- ref: Migrate off isProPlan helper and onto GQL isProPlan by @ajay-sentry in #3599
- chore: Migrate useOwner to ts by @suejung-sentry in #3601
- ref: Migrate gazebo from isTrialPlan helper to GQL property by @ajay-sentry in #3608
- chore: Migrate useSelfHostedSeatsConfig to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3580
- fix: Resolve Sentry issue fetching in MissingDesignatedAdmins Without a Provider by @nicholas-codecov in #3612
- chore: Migrate useSelfHostedSeatsAndLicense to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3577
- chore: Migrate useSelfHostedCurrentUser to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3582
- ref: Migrate useReposTeam to TS Query V5 by @nicholas-codecov in #3615
- chore: Migrate orgUploadToken to ts by @suejung-sentry in #3602
- [fix] +- Change appearing for a PR by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3619
- Release 25.1.3 by @codecov-releaser in #3624
New Contributors
- @nora-codecov made their first contribution in #3581
Full Changelog: self-hosted-24.12.2...self-hosted-25.1.3