Releases: codecov/gazebo
Releases · codecov/gazebo
Release 24.7.1
Autogenerated for 24.7.1. Created for #2979
What's Changed
- feat: Add Reusable Alert Component by @ajay-sentry in #2947
- feat: Update CommitsTab to have coverage status filter by @nicholas-codecov in #2941
- fix: Update self hosted link on login page by @nicholas-codecov in #2949
- fix: AccountSettings flake by @spalmurray-codecov in #2951
- ref: Only display bundle and patch data on PullsTable by @nicholas-codecov in #2934
- fix: clarify MultiSelect deselect button text by @calvin-codecov in #2952
- chore: Update Tailwind and related deps by @nicholas-codecov in #2950
- feat: Add Prettier check to ci by @spalmurray-codecov in #2954
- feat: Add Address Form, View, and E2E Glue by @ajay-sentry in #2955
- fix: Hide Address 2 if null by @ajay-sentry in #2960
- chore: Update to latest version of victory for charts by @nicholas-codecov in #2959
- fix: Remove Cookie Session Expiry cookie when expired and redirect by @ajay-sentry in #2961
- feat: Create hook to fetch bundle trend data by @nicholas-codecov in #2963
- feat: Select first bundle on bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #2958
- [feat] Add user onboarding metrics tracking + mutation by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2957
- ref: Move Header to layouts/OldHeader by @spalmurray-codecov in #2966
- feat: Create BundleTrendChart by @nicholas-codecov in #2969
- ref: update uses of impactedFilesDeprecated to impactedFiles resolver by @calvin-codecov in #2948
- fix: send cardholder name when editing billing address by @calvin-codecov in #2970
- feat: Okta access new tab by @RulaKhaled in #2964
- feat: Update useBundleAssets service to grab asset measurements by @nicholas-codecov in #2971
- [gazebo] Add subtotals row on coverage page + test fix by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2977
- fix: refresh user query on continue from org selection by @calvin-codecov in #2975
- chore: remove LimitedHeader by @calvin-codecov in #2978
- Release 24.7.1 by @codecov-releaser in #2979
Full Changelog: self-hosted-24.6.12...self-hosted-24.7.1
Release 24.6.12
Autogenerated for 24.6.12. Created for #2946
What's Changed
- Add merge group to ci by @trent-codecov in #2834
- feat: Install tailwind-merge by @spalmurray-codecov in #2833
- ref: Show repo tabs for public repos by @RulaKhaled in #2838
- feat: Implement cn utility to wrap classnames and tailwind-merge by @spalmurray-codecov in #2835
- feat: Implement RadioTileGroup component by @spalmurray-codecov in #2826
- feat: Add new guest header component for non-logged in users by @ajay-sentry in #2836
- fix: Remove repositoryDeprecated from path contents hooks by @nicholas-codecov in #2845
- ref: Use Repository instead of RepositoryDeprecated in useBranchCoverageMeasurements by @spalmurray-codecov in #2843
- feat: Paid/Free plan seats limit banner by @RulaKhaled in #2830
- feat: Paid plans activation required banner by @RulaKhaled in #2832
- fix: Unlink PR author on pulls table by @spalmurray-codecov in #2846
- ref: Use Repository instead of RepositoryDeprecated in useCommitYaml by @spalmurray-codecov in #2844
- ref: Convert useCommitErrors to TS and remove repositoryDeprecated by @ajay-sentry in #2847
- feat: Route to plan if user session + to param == plan by @ajay-sentry in #2837
- fix: Show banner for private repos only by @RulaKhaled in #2853
- fix: Footer Codecov icon displaying incorrect color by @ajay-sentry in #2858
- Update useRepoSettings to move to new repository type by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2851
- dep: Update to Sentry RC-1 by @nicholas-codecov in #2849
- fix: Flaky tests around file explorer tables by @spalmurray-codecov in #2856
- ref: Convert SessionsTable to tanstack table by @spalmurray-codecov in #2842
- style: Use Card component in bundle onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #2861
- chore: Update codecov.yml so that PR comment isn't sent until 9 uploads by @spalmurray-codecov in #2865
- ref: Convert useComparisonForCommitAndParent to TS and remove repositoryDeprecated by @ajay-sentry in #2857
- feat: Add radio button navigation to repo onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #2839
- fix: A potential fix for the flaky test by @RulaKhaled in #2854
- ref: Clean up pull file explorer tests by @spalmurray-codecov in #2852
- components over time display name instead of id by @JerrySentry in #2868
- style: Fix radio tile group indicator shifting on certain screen sizes by @spalmurray-codecov in #2869
- ref: Remove repositoryDeprecated from usePrefetchSingleFileComp by @nicholas-codecov in #2870
- feat: Add free plan seats alert by @RulaKhaled in #2840
- feat: Create alert for paid plans by @RulaKhaled in #2841
- chore: Update Codecov and Sentry dependencies by @nicholas-codecov in #2875
- fix: Navigate on tos agreement success by @nicholas-codecov in #2866
- ref: Remove repositoryDeprecated from api tests by @nicholas-codecov in #2872
- feat: Add intro banner to bundle onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #2874
- ref: Move useReposBackfilled off Repo Deprecated by @ajay-sentry in #2862
- ref: Move useRepoConfig off RepositoryDeprecated by @ajay-sentry in #2860
- feat: Add radio button navigation to bundle analysis onboarding by @spalmurray-codecov in #2876
- ref: Convert RepositoryDeprecated to Repository in useRepoCoverage by @spalmurray-codecov in #2864
- Update useRepoFlagSelect to new repository type by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2848
- fix: Small tweak to align with V8 changes by @nicholas-codecov in #2877
- dev: Upgrade stripe components and pin stripe version to V8 by @ajay-sentry in #2879
- chore: Remove/replace useCoverageWithFilters by @nicholas-codecov in #2873
- fix: Add fallback to owner param if doesn't exist on useTier hook by @ajay-sentry in #2820
- dev: upgrade stripe API to latest version by @ajay-sentry in #2884
- chore: Remove old_ui/Table by @spalmurray-codecov in #2888
- ref: Refactor useSingularImpactedFileComparison by @RulaKhaled in #2883
- fix: Move the banner above summary, and fix the use of team hook by @RulaKhaled in #2859
- fix: Hide sunburst on very large repos by @nicholas-codecov in #2850
- fix: Directly render bundle onboarding by @nicholas-codecov in #2890
- fix: Session Expiration redirects for teams and enterprise by @ajay-sentry in #2889
- ref: Refresh CopyClipboard component by @spalmurray-codecov in #2882
- feat: Implement CodeSnippet component by @spalmurray-codecov in #2893
- chore: Run Prettier by @spalmurray-codecov in #2894
- fix: Taking another peak at Sentry sourcemaps by @nicholas-codecov in #2895
- chore: Bump Sentry to 8.4.0 by @nicholas-codecov in #2897
- ref: Convert CoverageTab.jsx to TypeScript by @spalmurray-codecov in #2900
- feat: Initial setup for tests analytics tab by @RulaKhaled in #2902
- ref: Convert onboarding code snippets to new component by @spalmurray-codecov in #2896
- feat: Create a reusable component for expandable section by @RulaKhaled in #2903
- feat: Implement radio button navigator for coverage tab by @spalmurray-codecov in #2905
- chore: Remove Google tag manager by @spalmurray-codecov in #2908
- Set sentry sample rate to 1.0 by @drazisil-codecov in #2907
- Correctly display cff's when many flags per upload by @adrian-codecov in #2912
- feat: Github Actions Tab for onboarding failed tests by @RulaKhaled in #2906
- ref: Update delete account messaging by @nicholas-codecov in #2892
- fix: Table and FileList Style imports by @nicholas-codecov in #2904
- feat: Use new POST endpoint for logout by @spalmurray-codecov in #2909
- feat: Update Edit Payment Card Component to use Stripe Card Element by @ajay-sentry in #2911
- fix: Make commit totals type nullable by @spalmurray-codecov in #2915
- Update self hosted settings requests to use GQL by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2891
- fix: Small fix to remove jumping tab text by @nicholas-codecov in #2916
- fix: Update NAN values to reflect - instead of 0 by @RulaKhaled in #2917
- feat: Update onboarding failed tests with Codecov CLI tab by @RulaKhaled in #2913
- ref: Small updates to SummaryDropdown by @nicholas-codecov in #2914
- feat: Remove pointer events from CodeRenderer when scrolling by @nicholas-codecov in #2898
- fix: Update /tests routes to reflect other onboarding routes by @RulaKhaled in #2918
- fix: Move err checks to repo content results by @RulaKhaled in #2919
- fix: usePullCompareTotalsTeam pullId int type by @spalmurray-codecov in #2924
- ref: convert billing hooks to TS by @ajay-sentry in #2921
- feat: Convert useInvoices from rest to GQL query by @ajay-sentry in #2920
- [fix] Fix indentation with github actions setup by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2927
- fix: Add in redirect for self hosted in SessionExpiryTracker by @nicholas-codecov in #2929
- fix: clarify components text for enabling analytics by @calvin-codecov in #2922
- feat: Add in span for branch contents request by @nicholas-codeco...
Release 24.5.1
Autogenerated for 24.5.1. Created for #2822
What's Changed
- ref: Refactor usRepoFlags to ts by @RulaKhaled in #2729
- Update select placement on PR detail page by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2675
- build: Fix Sentry webpack plugin config by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #2735
- feat: Create useRepoComponents hook by @RulaKhaled in #2733
- [client] Show install guides on un-configured private repos by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2685
- feat: Create new hook useRepoComponentsSelect by @RulaKhaled in #2732
- ref: Convert pull dir entry stuff to ts by @spalmurray-codecov in #2699
- chore: Update email to by @ajay-sentry in #2730
- feat: Add in Sentry feedback util by @nicholas-codecov in #2740
- Update select placement on commit details page by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2738
- [ref] Refactor CodeTree and FileList table on repo page by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2708
- fix: Handle case where branch or bundle is not selected by @nicholas-codecov in #2743
- fix: Add in git push command to bundle onboarding by @nicholas-codecov in #2745
- Maintain filters on coverage tab when no data is present by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2747
- Add a placeholder Component Tab by @JerrySentry in #2731
- fix: Ensure that table css is always imported by @nicholas-codecov in #2748
- fix: Move branch out of components filters by @RulaKhaled in #2750
- ref: have components and flags tabs use the same constant file by @JerrySentry in #2751
- fix: Don't set default org if update default org is in progress by @RulaKhaled in #2741
- feat: Make email field required when submitting feedback by @nicholas-codecov in #2753
- feat: Update with self hosted specific layout by @RulaKhaled in #2746
- Add delete component measurements hook by @JerrySentry in #2749
- ref: Convert useRepoFlagsTable to TS by @spalmurray-codecov in #2744
- Update follow-redirects to 1.15.6 by @spalmurray-codecov in #2734
- chore: Remove Pendo link from PR page by @nicholas-codecov in #2762
- feat: New components not configured layout by @RulaKhaled in #2752
- feat: Create branch selector for the components tab by @RulaKhaled in #2756
- fix: Reflect new components schema by @RulaKhaled in #2757
- ref: Update Sparkline CSS to match new design by @RulaKhaled in #2761
- ref: Rename activate flag to be more general by @RulaKhaled in #2764
- fix: Fix bundle select not updating list of bundles when changing branch by @nicholas-codecov in #2765
- feat: Move to components hooks in components tab 1/? by @RulaKhaled in #2763
- feat: Update to use components hooks in components tab 2/3 by @RulaKhaled in #2766
- fix: Update Express, and Webpack Dev Middleware by @nicholas-codecov in #2769
- fix: Onboarding flow TOS & user intent screen UX improvement (Radio input) by @onkardeshpande93 in #2736
- fix: View full file not expanding tab by @nicholas-codecov in #2742
- feat: 3/3 moving components tab to components hooks by @RulaKhaled in #2768
- build: Update sentry config by @nicholas-codecov in #2771
- fix: Not showing select bundle when there is no bundle selected by @nicholas-codecov in #2773
- fix: Fix a couple of quick stuff for components tab by @RulaKhaled in #2770
- fix: Do not redirect on select branch by @nicholas-codecov in #2774
- feat: Invalidate queries on poll when syncing repos by @ajay-sentry in #2755
- feat: Adjust Commit and Pull columns to be more consistent by @nicholas-codecov in #2772
- ref: Refactor pull file explorer table by @spalmurray-codecov in #2673
- Add branch selector to Badge generator by @spalmurray-codecov in #2767
- fix: Replace processing status indicator by @nicholas-codecov in #2776
- fix: Show enterprise plan card when usesInvoices true by @ajay-sentry in #2779
- fix: components over time rendering and fix branch selecting by @JerrySentry in #2782
- Add a note to the README about the first
npm run start
by @michelletran-codecov in #2788 - Auto expand row in PR files changed table when filepath is passed by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2783
- fix: create new gazebo preview trigger by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #2791
- Convert AdminTable to tanstack table by @spalmurray-codecov in #2777
- chore: Update Sentry to V8 Beta by @nicholas-codecov in #2780
- feat: Add Upgrade to Pro button to team plan seats too high error by @spalmurray-codecov in #2739
- fix/ref: #1372 Component Table TS Conversions + small bug fixes by @ajay-sentry in #2793
- fix/ref: 1460 - remove trial start when org has no private repos by @ajay-sentry in #2787
- dev: Add webpack loading bar when starting gazebo by @ajay-sentry in #2789
- Fix flaky test in AdminTable by @spalmurray-codecov in #2796
- update components tab UI by @JerrySentry in #2795
- Add class-variance-authority (aliased as cva) by @spalmurray-codecov in #2798
- Fix Learn more casing in yaml editor by @spalmurray-codecov in #2801
- Fix MembersTable duplicate users by @spalmurray-codecov in #2803
- Update sunburst chart to parse flags and components filters by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2781
- Remove ui/Card to make room for new Card by @spalmurray-codecov in #2800
- Refactor GH Actions repo onboarding into one file by @spalmurray-codecov in #2805
- Use bracket notation over by @spalmurray-codecov in #2808
- Assortment of UI changes for coverage over time for components by @JerrySentry in #2809
- GitHub app installation banner update and CTA location update by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2804
- feat: Swap to avg and add in data source label by @nicholas-codecov in #2811
- fix: Small Sentry route fixes by @nicholas-codecov in #2812
- A few UI tweaks for coverage over time for components by @JerrySentry in #2813
- Fix flag/component select 404 on flags and components tables by @spalmurray-codecov in #2816
- Update tar sub-dependency by @spalmurray-codecov in #2815
- Implement Card component by @spalmurray-codecov in #2799
- fix: use session if exists when doing initial redirect for user by @ajay-sentry in #2810
- fix: Scroll to line padding by @nicholas-codecov in #2814
- [ref] Refactor commit detail file explorer table by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2802
- Refactor CircleCI repo onboarding into one file by @spalmurray-codecov in #2806
- Refactor Other CI repo onboarding into one file by @spalmurray-codecov in #2807
- Update repo onboarding title position and page alignment by @spalmurray-codecov in #2818
- sec: 390 - Add validation for potential XSS vuln by @ajay-sentry in #2797
- ref: 1548 Part 1: Convert all Header files to TS by @ajay-sentry in #2821
- fix: Remove repository from GUT settings page header by @nicholas-codecov in #2823
- Install radix-ui react radio group by @spalmurray-codecov in #2825
- Update repo onboarding steps with new Card component by @spalmurray-codecov in https://gi...
Release 24.4.1
Autogenerated for 24.4.1. Created for #2737
What's Changed
- ref: Refactor flags table in PR page by @RulaKhaled in #2556
- feat: Putting it all together on the commit page by @nicholas-codecov in #2542
- feat: Create pull bundle dropdown by @nicholas-codecov in #2553
- Update flag select in pull request view to only show relevant flags by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2531
- feat: Update useRepoOverview to fetch product status and languages by @nicholas-codecov in #2558
- ref: Update anchor functionality by @RulaKhaled in #2561
- ref: Indirect changes table refactor by @RulaKhaled in #2552
- Refactor Repos table in owner page and analytics page by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2518
- fix: Update GHA and CircleCI tabs with the correct version number by @RulaKhaled in #2564
- feat: Create summary header for bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #2559
- feat: Create table to display list of bundles by @nicholas-codecov in #2560
- build: Upload bundle stats to staging by @nicholas-codecov in #2563
- fix: Remove feedback link form header by @RulaKhaled in #2567
- [fix] Disable update on initial render on billing page by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2565
- Use regex for var on enterprise vcs by @trent-codecov in #2568
- feat: updating email card from gazebo by @adrian-codecov in #2544
- feat: Handle errors for Commit Coverage by @nicholas-codecov in #2545
- Fix: Update to default to 10 if pro plan already exceeds 10 users by @RulaKhaled in #2571
- build: Move bundler plugin to beta version and move to Node 20 by @nicholas-codecov in #2573
- fix: Update to team plan when selecting team plan by @RulaKhaled in #2574
- Refactor files changed table on commit detail page by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2569
- feat: Handle errors for commit bundles by @nicholas-codecov in #2550
- feat: Update conditional render logic for repo page tabs by @nicholas-codecov in #2570
- feat: Setup pull page to render bundle data by @nicholas-codecov in #2566
- feat: Add in error handling to current bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #2562
- feat: Create new badge component by @nicholas-codecov in #2578
- fix: Update feedback link for bundle onboarding by @nicholas-codecov in #2577
- fix: Adjust text size and letter casing for commit page by @nicholas-codecov in #2576
- feat: Setup routing for bundle tab by @nicholas-codecov in #2575
- ref: Update onboarding instructions by @RulaKhaled in #2580
- fix: Pull bundle text size and warning icons by @nicholas-codecov in #2581
- fix: Remove redirect from coverage onboarding by @nicholas-codecov in #2588
- feat: Setup beta badge for bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #2586
- build: Setup Gazebo to upload stats to prod by @nicholas-codecov in #2593
- fix: Bundle onboarding by @nicholas-codecov in #2584
- feat: Handle errors properly in the pulls tab by @nicholas-codecov in #2583
- build, ci: Few tweaks to CI, and update Node in nvmrc file by @nicholas-codecov in #2597
- fix: Add hard redirect to bundle onboarding by @nicholas-codecov in #2595
- chore: update follow-redirects dep by @matt-codecov in #2594
- ref: Refactor PR components page to use ui/table by @RulaKhaled in #2592
- fix: Quick patch for the text alignment by @RulaKhaled in #2603
- feat: Update
page tabs with learn more link by @RulaKhaled in #2604 - feat: Add in new formatTimeToString function handling milliseconds by @nicholas-codecov in #2600
- Show next billing date for active accounts in callout view by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2585
- feat: Display list of bundles on head when comparison fails by @nicholas-codecov in #2598
- feat: #235 - Org page CTA Button Update by @ajay-sentry in #2602
- Fix: Quality of life update for the Resync button by @ajay-sentry in #2609
- feat: Add links to static links by @RulaKhaled in #2582
- feat: make debugging data fetching hooks easier by @nicholas-codecov in #2587
- feat, fix: modify dropdown font size and add commit source by @nicholas-codecov in #2601
- feat: Create useBundleBranchSelector by @nicholas-codecov in #2605
- feat: Create useBundleSummary hook by @nicholas-codecov in #2606
- No longer send
param on logout by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2590 - feat: Add branch selector to new bundle summary by @nicholas-codecov in #2607
- feat: Add branch route param to bundles route by @nicholas-codecov in #2611
- fix: GH Action codeblock in onboarding doc by @JerrySentry in #2599
- feat: Add customer intent to the onboarding page (TOS) by @RulaKhaled in #2591
- ref: clean up some lodash imports by @nicholas-codecov in #2616
- feat: Create hook to fetch list of bundles for a repo by @nicholas-codecov in #2615
- ref: Branch selector into just a single component by @nicholas-codecov in #2614
- feat: Create bundle selector for bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #2617
- Redirect user to repos page after a trial is kicked off by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2608
- Feat: #1051 - Update Active/Inactive Button copy to Configure/Not Configured by @ajay-sentry in #2610
- Feat: #1057 - Clarify prerequisite of coverage reports by @ajay-sentry in #2613
- Feat: #1053 - Unsure of Yaml Placement by @ajay-sentry in #2618
- feat: Create hook to fetch bundle tab summary data by @nicholas-codecov in #2619
- feat: Create hook to fetch a list of assets for an upcoming table by @nicholas-codecov in #2620
- feat: Create hook to fetch list of modules for a given asset by @nicholas-codecov in #2621
- [feat] Handle invalid path errors from GraphQL by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2546
- ref: Convert TokensTable to tanstack table by @spalmurray-codecov in #2612
- feat: Create bundles tab summary section by @nicholas-codecov in #2622
- Chore: add Lodash import rule by @ajay-sentry in #2627
- fix: Repo Page tabs rendering when they should not by @nicholas-codecov in #2628
- fix: Sync page to pull in dynamic list of sync providers by @nicholas-codecov in #2528
- Upgrade to FSL-1.1 by @chadwhitacre in #2626
- Refactor indirect changed files table on pull page by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2623
- [feat] Add feedback banner for team plan users by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2632
- feat: Create table to display list of assets by @nicholas-codecov in #2631
- build: add test results action to the CI by @joseph-sentry in #2633
- style: Polish plan and upgrade plan pages by @spalmurray-codecov in #2629
- [feat] Add initial billing metrics by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2625
- style: Fix settings style inconsistencies by @spalmurray-codecov in #2630
- Chore/Sec: Bump up storybook version to fix ip vuln by @ajay-sentry in #2636
- feat: Update assets table to have modules table expander by @nicholas-codecov in #2635
- fix: Bump up the z-index of the model a little bit by @nicholas-codecov in #2641
- feat: Auto expa...
Release 24.2.1
Autogenerated for 24.2.1. Created for #2557
What's Changed
- feat: add useSelfHostedLicense hook by @adrian-codecov in #2437
- feat: Setup Spotlight by @nicholas-codecov in #2441
- Adjust useRepoBranchContentsTable to accept components filters by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2443
- Change "active" to "activated" on members page by @jerrodcodecov in #2413
- feat: Update indirect changed tab with components selector by @RulaKhaled in #2431
- feat: Add hook for get components of a repo/branch with filtering (#827) by @JerrySentry in #2439
- [feat] Add useCommitComponents hook by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2447
- build: Few tweaks to Codecov yaml by @nicholas-codecov in #2445
- Add sed for vcs by @trent-codecov in #2438
- feat: Default to All branches when default branch has no commits by @nicholas-codecov in #2446
- Revert "feat: Default to All branches when default branch has no commits" by @nicholas-codecov in #2448
- feat: Update components tab with components selector by @RulaKhaled in #2451
- feat: Update files explorer tab with components selector by @RulaKhaled in #2450
- feat: Add team plan controllers by @adrian-codecov in #2444
- feat: Default to All branches when default branch has no commits - Round 2 by @nicholas-codecov in #2449
- build: Disable Codecov Annotations and AI Reviewer by @nicholas-codecov in #2453
- Update yml to YAML in text references by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2455
- Create a components selector that fetches components by head commit of a branch by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2452
- feat: add banners for seats + license expiration by @adrian-codecov in #2440
- 775 sentry plan controllers by @adrian-codecov in #2456
- [feat] Add components selector to file viewer by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2442
- feat: Add components selector for commits tab (#857)(#858) by @JerrySentry in #2454
- feat: add default branch specifc message to file explorer in coverage page by @adrian-codecov in #2458
- feat: Update fileViewers with the right components selector by @RulaKhaled in #2460
- fix: Fix z index of flags selector by @RulaKhaled in #2462
- [feat] Place the new multi selector for components in file explorer by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2463
- [feat] Place components selector in commit details file explorer by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2466
- [feat] Place components selector in commit details indirect changed files tab by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2464
- feat: use 2nd upgrade form by @adrian-codecov in #2465
- fix: Take out components selector from ui + rename it by @RulaKhaled in #2469
- feat: Have upgrade to team plan links include URL search param by @nicholas-codecov in #2470
- feat: make flag entries links by @adrian-codecov in #2468
- fix: Update installation nav link to use config value by @RulaKhaled in #2473
- fix: Update onboarding docs with global token by @RulaKhaled in #2474
- clean: clean up a bunch of unused code by @adrian-codecov in #2467
- feat: rename upgrade form 2 to upgrade form by @adrian-codecov in #2475
- 677 remove trials from all public repos by @adrian-codecov in #2472
- revert: Revert upload token to repo token by @RulaKhaled in #2477
- fix: Update TabNav styles to fix hiding tabs by @nicholas-codecov in #2478
- fix: Plan user count can be a nullable value by @nicholas-codecov in #2485
- fix: Display Org Upload Token Tab in Self Hosted/Dedicated Cloud by @nicholas-codecov in #2486
- [feat] Add useRepoATS hook by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2481
- fix: Fix BB bug by @RulaKhaled in #2488
- feat: Create function to format bundle size strings by @nicholas-codecov in #2487
- ref: Refactor pulls table to use the new table by @RulaKhaled in #2489
- feat: Create hook to fetch bundle analysis summary for a commit by @nicholas-codecov in #2493
- ref: Remove TOS feature flag by @RulaKhaled in #2490
- ref: Remove components select feature flag by @RulaKhaled in #2491
- [feat] Add ATS UI elements by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2484
- feat: Create hook to fetch bundle analysis summary for a pull by @nicholas-codecov in #2494
- feat: Create hook to fetch a list of bundles for a commit by @nicholas-codecov in #2495
- fix: useResyncUser causing Docker builds to fail by @nicholas-codecov in #2500
- feat: Add in new MSW mocks for bundle analysis work by @nicholas-codecov in #2497
- feat: Create hook to fetch a list of bundles for a pull by @nicholas-codecov in #2496
- feat: Create hook to fetch coverage data summary by @nicholas-codecov in #2492
- ref: Refactor useCommits to use typescript by @RulaKhaled in #2506
- Update "erase content" button's adjacent text by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2501
- Add app install banner + modal to the UI by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2480
- feat: Create dropdown summary component by @nicholas-codecov in #2498
- ref: Refactor coverage commits table by @RulaKhaled in #2507
- ref: Move coverage onboarding to coverage tab by @nicholas-codecov in #2504
- ref: Refactor commits table in PR page by @RulaKhaled in #2508
- feat: Create commit page table for bundle analysis by @nicholas-codecov in #2499
- feat: Create bundle analysis table for a given pull by @nicholas-codecov in #2510
- ref: Refactor usePull and all of its tests by @RulaKhaled in #2517
- feat: move payment card into billing details folder by @adrian-codecov in #2515
- Create email mutation by @adrian-codecov in #2519
- 1047 create email mutation by @adrian-codecov in #2522
- feat: Create Vite plugin onboarding steps by @nicholas-codecov in #2513
- feat: Create Rollup plugin onboarding steps by @nicholas-codecov in #2514
- chore(ci): add fossa workflow by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #2521
- feat: Update GitHub Actions tab with GUT by @RulaKhaled in #2526
- build: Update deps related to Adobe CSS by @nicholas-codecov in #2530
- feat: Enable Sentry Metrics Integration by @nicholas-codecov in #2529
- feat: Create Webpack plugin onboarding steps by @nicholas-codecov in #2516
- feat: Restructure PR Page by @nicholas-codecov in #2520
- feat: Restructure Commit Detail Page by @nicholas-codecov in #2523
- fix: Move fetching of org upload token to a different hook by @nicholas-codecov in #2536
- feat: Update circleci with global token if exists by @RulaKhaled in #2534
- feat: Fetch product status in use pull page data by @nicholas-codecov in #2537
- [feat] Add metric to monitor app install shares by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2532
- ref: Refactor pull request impacted files to use the new table by @RulaKhaled in #2524
- feat: Fetch to see if bundle or coverage is enabled on a repository for a given commit by @nicholas-codecov in #2535
- fix: Small tweaks to utils and hooks for BA on the Commit Detail Page by @nicholas-codecov in #2540
- fix: Update with components specific errors by @RulaKhaled in
Release 23.12.4
Autogenerated for 23.12.4. Created for #2436
What's Changed
- fix: Create a Stable Reference in the Commit Detail Page Files Changed Table by @nicholas-codecov in #2378
- 627 upgrade page multi choice selector by @adrian-codecov in #2376
- Enable/disable tabs and flag select based on team plan and private repo status by @terry-codecov in #2377
- fix: Update Checks for Commit Detail Page and Coverage Tab Flag Multi Selects by @nicholas-codecov in #2371
- build: Updating Deps for Nov 3rd 2023 by @nicholas-codecov in #2380
- feat: Create a New Table for the Commits Tab on the Pull Request Page for the Team Plan by @nicholas-codecov in #2373
- fix: Upgrade to latest
by @RulaKhaled in #2384 - Move pull summary + add team logic by @terry-codecov in #2385
- Analytics Page: Only Surface Public Repos for Team Tier by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2381
- Adds team plan files changed table to PR details by @terry-codecov in #2374
- feat: Coverage tab changes for team plan by @RulaKhaled in #2383
- 739 upgrade page create pro plan controls component by @adrian-codecov in #2382
- Convert Modal and BaseModal to TypeScript by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2355
- ref: Ensure All Queries Use Object Syntax by @nicholas-codecov in #2389
- fix: Add percentage next to patch column title for team plan tables by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2390
- fix: Redirect on Flags Tab for Public Repos by @nicholas-codecov in #2391
- fix: Show Branch Icon in Branch Dropdown for Team Plan by @nicholas-codecov in #2392
- feat: add pro/team controler for team page by @adrian-codecov in #2386
- feat: Add Upgrade CTA to Analytics Page by @nicholas-codecov in #2395
- feat: Seats validation for team plan by @RulaKhaled in #2397
- feat: Hide expired banner when clicking on upgrade link by @nicholas-codecov in #2398
- ref: Update Zod Schemas with Updated Resolver Types by @nicholas-codecov in #2387
- Align items in flags summary page by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2394
- Fix analytics page chart selector behavior by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2400
- ref: Remove All Flag Multi Select ... Flags by @nicholas-codecov in #2401
- fix: Remove default org feature flag and adjust
by @RulaKhaled in #2388 - Table css styles fix by @terry-codecov in #2404
- fix: change copy of team card when trialing by @adrian-codecov in #2403
- Update the rest of the pull request tabs to filter by flags by @terry-codecov in #2399
- [Client] Add logic to return measurements data based on specifying public and private repo by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2402
- feat: Add learn more link to the team plan card when upgrading by @adrian-codecov in #2406
- fix: Update to Codecov App link in GitHub integration section #2306 by @RulaKhaled in #2407
- fix: Move team special offer out of plan default offer by @RulaKhaled in #2405
- feat: adjust useRepos prop ingestion from active to activated by @adrian-codecov in #2408
- Relicense under FSL-1.0-Apache-2.0 by @chadwhitacre in #2410
- fix: Update with repos re sync by @RulaKhaled in #2412
- Convert some more of pull request details page to TS by @terry-codecov in #2414
- build: Remove minus one from test index calculation by @nicholas-codecov in #2418
- fix: Attempt to fix useIndirectChangedFilesTable flaky test by @nicholas-codecov in #2420
- feat: added team portion to the existing pro plans controls component by @adrian-codecov in #2415
- Create team plan query for pull request view by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2416
- feat: Create a new hook for the components selector hook by @RulaKhaled in #2422
- fix: Update to skip the annoying test by @RulaKhaled in #2425
- Update all PostCSS references to ^8.4.31 by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2423
- feat: move and rename files from PlanControls to a secondary form directory by @adrian-codecov in #2421
- feat: Create PR selector components by @RulaKhaled in #2426
- Remove F# files from the image blocklist by @drazisil-codecov in #2428
- Auto logout users if their github session expires by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2411
- build: Add components to Codecov config by @nicholas-codecov in #2432
- feat: Update files changed tab with components selector by @RulaKhaled in #2430
- Adjust Uploads Card to Not Display Flag Related Data for team plan by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2424
- feat add ProController component to the 2nd form component by @adrian-codecov in #2429
- Update workflows by @trent-codecov in #2435
- Release 23.12.4 by @codecov-releaser in #2436
New Contributors
- @chadwhitacre made their first contribution in #2410
- @codecov-releaser made their first contribution in #2436
Full Changelog: self-hosted-23.11.2...self-hosted-23.12.4
Release 23.11.2
Autogenerated for 23.11.2. Created for #2375
What's Changed
- 414 add tier hook by @adrian-codecov in #2291
- Remove circle ci config by @trent-codecov in #2265
- feat: Update CommitDetailPage Links to Include Query Params by @nicholas-codecov in #2297
- Re add codecovstartup as that is helpful with parallel uploads by @trent-codecov in #2301
- ref: Refactor context switcher by @RulaKhaled in #2292
- fix: Resolve infinite loop in coverage/analytics pages. by @RulaKhaled in #2307
- ref: Refactor and redesign TOS 1/3 by @RulaKhaled in #2300
- ref: Use impactedFilesDeprecated resolver (#641) by @JerrySentry in #2311
- feat: Add Flag MultiSelect to CommitPageTabs by @nicholas-codecov in #2303
- Add patch column to pulls table by @adrian-codecov in #2308
- feat: Create Team Plan Table for the Files Changed Table on the Commit Detail Page by @nicholas-codecov in #2309
- Setup pull request page to pass around selected flags by @terry-codecov in #2282
- Remove segment from frontend by @terry-codecov in #2314
- 608 remove analytics tab for team plan by @adrian-codecov in #2310
- feat: add conditional to exclude static/profiling token by @adrian-codecov in #2317
- feat: Create New usePullsTeam Hook by @nicholas-codecov in #2319
- feat: Create new useCommitsTeam hook by @nicholas-codecov in #2320
- Setup splitting PR changed files table by @terry-codecov in #2322
- feat: Create new Use Repos Team hook by @RulaKhaled in #2328
- 625 remove flags page for team tier by @adrian-codecov in #2330
- Test full tests run by @trent-codecov in #2312
- Team flags refactor by @adrian-codecov in #2331
- fix: Cleaning up remaining flaky tests by @nicholas-codecov in #2333
- ref: Update useCommit to Use New impactedFiles Resolver by @nicholas-codecov in #2316
- feat: Add Flags Query Param to Parent Commit Link in Commit Summary by @nicholas-codecov in #2318
- fix: Swap from useLocationParams to useLocation in RawFileviewer by @nicholas-codecov in #2325
- feat: Update Commit Detail Page File Explorer Tab to Grab Selected Flags by @nicholas-codecov in #2326
- Remove free trial expiry banner from plan page by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2332
- Spelling correction by @drazisil-codecov in #2336
- 616 add patch setction pr page team tier by @adrian-codecov in #2337
- fix: Filter out certain browser from sending events to Sentry by @nicholas-codecov in #2338
- feat: Hide Flag MultiSelect when on Team Plan on Commit Detail Page by @nicholas-codecov in #2327
- feat, ref: Disable Flag MultiSelect on Coverage Tab when on a Team Plan by @nicholas-codecov in #2329
- feat: Grab flags in IndirectChangesTable and pass along with request by @nicholas-codecov in #2335
- feat: Update CommitDetailPage FilesChangedTable to pass along flags by @nicholas-codecov in #2334
- ref: Update TOS to work for service less users. by @RulaKhaled in #2321
- Patch coverage on commit detail page for team tier by @adrian-codecov in #2340
- feat: add hook for commit detail page team tier by @adrian-codecov in #2341
- build: Update PostCSS by @nicholas-codecov in #2346
- Migrate TextInput to TypeScript by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2342
- Connect flag selector to flags filter on PR details page by @terry-codecov in #2343
- fix: Attempting to fix CommitDetailPage Tests by @nicholas-codecov in #2350
- Add patch section commit detail page team tier by @adrian-codecov in #2344
- Convert Sparkline to typescript by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2347
- feat: replace usePlans to use gql instead of REST by @adrian-codecov in #2356
- feat: change planName to value for planData hook by @adrian-codecov in #2359
- fix: Sentry Debug Value Setting by @nicholas-codecov in #2361
- Add team card to Free Customer by @adrian-codecov in #2348
- feat: Hide Commits Page Team Files Changed Table for Public Repos by @nicholas-codecov in #2364
- feat: Remove Commit Summary from Commit Detail Page on Team Plan by @nicholas-codecov in #2352
- feat: Update Repo Page Pulls Tab for Team Plan by @nicholas-codecov in #2358
- feat: Create Team Plan version of the Commits List for the Repo Page by @nicholas-codecov in #2363
- Remove analytics changes tab for team plan by @adrian-codecov in #2368
- feat: refactor and rename paidplancard by @adrian-codecov in #2367
- feat: Hide Commit Page Indirect changes tab for Team tier by @nicholas-codecov in #2349
- fix: Drop Transactions from Blocked User Agents by @nicholas-codecov in #2372
- Make previous team plan changes only apply if repo is private by @adrian-codecov in #2370
- feat: Team page new special offer by @RulaKhaled in #2362
- Alert Texts should show dynamic plan names and upload limits by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #2369
- feat: Team plan repos list by @RulaKhaled in #2357
- Release 23.11.2 by @github-actions in #2375
New Contributors
- @JerrySentry made their first contribution in #2311
- @rohitvinnakota-codecov made their first contribution in #2332
Full Changelog: self-hosted-23.10.2...self-hosted-23.11.2
Release 23.10.2
Autogenerated for 23.10.2. Created for #2298
What's Changed
- ref: Quick Refactor to Parse the Whole Response of Converted Hooks by @nicholas-codecov in #2208
- fix: Remove 0 from source data by @RulaKhaled in #2243
- ref: Remove Trial Flag from FreePlanCard by @nicholas-codecov in #2245
- ref: Remove Trial Flag from from ProPlanSubheading by @nicholas-codecov in #2246
- ref: Update "team bot missing" for users that have GitHub app to "Issue with Github app" by @RulaKhaled in #2249
- New table UI by @terry-codecov in #2247
- Setup a fileviewer list to replace old table by @terry-codecov in #2250
- fix: remove tokenless prompt by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #2214
- feat: Branch dropdown search merged + unmerged branches by @scott-codecov in #2251
- 2164 url sanitization by @adrian-codecov in #2252
- ref: Removal Trial Flag from Trial Reminder by @nicholas-codecov in #2241
- Converts Icon to TypeScript by @terry-codecov in #2225
- ref: Remove Trial Flag from Actions Billing by @nicholas-codecov in #2255
- fix: Close context switcher on org select by @RulaKhaled in #2257
- ref: Update useBranches to TypeScript and repository GQL Field by @nicholas-codecov in #2209
- ref: Remove Trial Flag from Trial Banner Component by @nicholas-codecov in #2259
- feat: Add Flag Multi-Select to Coverage Tab by @nicholas-codecov in #2244
- Running GHA tests by @trent-codecov in #2264
- feat: Create Provider Sync Page by @nicholas-codecov in #2235
- Revert "feat: Create Provider Sync Page" by @nicholas-codecov in #2267
- build: Add Some Type Checking and Some Formatting by @nicholas-codecov in #2266
- ref: Update usePulls to Repository Field and to TypeScript by @nicholas-codecov in #2261
- feat: Create Provider Sync Page ... Round 2 by @nicholas-codecov in #2268
- fix: Switch integrationId to a Number from String Type by @nicholas-codecov in #2272
- feat: Use API_URL Instead of BASE_URL by @nicholas-codecov in #2271
- feat: show the global upload token for non-admin folks by @adrian-codecov in #2269
- Update LICENSE by @jerrodcodecov in #2253
- feat: Allow usePrefetchBranchFileEntry to Accept Flags Arg by @nicholas-codecov in #2260
- fix: Update ongoing trial to handle last day of the trial by @RulaKhaled in #2274
- feat: Update useRepoBranchContentsTable to Pull Pass Along Flags Filter by @nicholas-codecov in #2258
- feat: Add Flag Multi Select to File Viewer Key Section by @nicholas-codecov in #2254
- fix: Update to depend on api for view permissions by @RulaKhaled in #2276
- Update pull request page for better mobile styles, premtive work for flag select by @terry-codecov in #2281
- Fixes two warnings when running the dev server by @terry-codecov in #2278
- feat: Update Zod Schemas to Handle New FirstPullRequest GraphQL Type by @nicholas-codecov in #2283
- ref, feat: Update useCommit to Accept Filters Argument by @nicholas-codecov in #2279
- fix: Update Remaining Comparisons with FirstPullRequest Spread by @nicholas-codecov in #2284
- Revert "fix: Update Remaining Comparisons with FirstPullRequest Spread" by @nicholas-codecov in #2285
- feat: Quick Coverage Tab Flag Multi Select Follows by @nicholas-codecov in #2275
- ref: Allow SyncProviderPage in Self Hosted by @nicholas-codecov in #2277
- feat: Default to file explorer for the first time UX by @RulaKhaled in #2289
- feat: Update Enterprise Login Page to Support Login with Okta by @nicholas-codecov in #2273
- feat: Handle first pull request experience by @RulaKhaled in #2288
- fix: Update Remaining Comparisons with FirstPullRequest Spread - Round 2 by @nicholas-codecov in #2286
- feat: Update usePrefetchCommitFileEntry to Accept Flags Argument by @nicholas-codecov in #2290
- fix: More issues with spreading unions in GQL queries by @nicholas-codecov in #2293
- fix: useTreePaths not spreading query params by @nicholas-codecov in #2294
- build(deps-dev): bump graphql from 16.6.0 to 16.8.1 by @dependabot in #2280
- ref: Update org not found copy by @RulaKhaled in #2296
- CI consolidate by @trent-codecov in #2295
- Release 23.10.2 by @github-actions in #2298
Full Changelog: 23.9.5-7627391...self-hosted-23.10.2
Release 23.9.5 - 7627391
Autogenerated for 23.9.5-7627391. Created for #2242
Release 23.7.27 - 9e32440
Autogenerated for 23.7.27-9e32440. Created for #2163