Pattern: Await usage on non-Thenable value
Issue: -
The await operator is meant for Thenable values (objects with a then method, like Promises). Using await on non-Thenable values causes unnecessary microtask delays and often indicates a programmer error, such as forgetting to call a function that returns a Promise.
Example of incorrect code:
// Awaiting primitive values
await 'hello';
await 42;
// Awaiting non-async function result
const getData = () => 'data';
await getData();
// For-await on synchronous array
async function process() {
const items = [1, 2, 3];
for await (const item of items) {
// Await using with synchronous disposable
function createSyncDisposable(): Disposable {
return { [Symbol.dispose]() {} };
await using resource = createSyncDisposable();
Example of correct code:
// Awaiting Promise
await Promise.resolve('hello');
// Awaiting async function
const getData = async () => 'data';
await getData();
// Regular for-of for synchronous array
async function process() {
const items = [1, 2, 3];
for (const item of items) {
// Await using with async disposable
function createAsyncDisposable(): AsyncDisposable {
return {
async [Symbol.asyncDispose]() {}
await using resource = createAsyncDisposable();
// Regular using for sync disposable
using syncResource = createSyncDisposable();