Pattern: TypeScript directive comment suppressing type checks
Issue: -
TypeScript directive comments (@ts-expect-error, @ts-ignore, @ts-nocheck, @ts-check) allow bypassing the type system. Using these directives weakens TypeScript's effectiveness and often masks underlying type issues that should be properly fixed instead.
Example of incorrect code:
// Suppressing without explanation
// @ts-ignore
const value = someFunc();
// Empty directive
if (false) {
// @ts-expect-error
// Suppressing an entire file
// @ts-nocheck
// Brief, unhelpful description
// @ts-expect-error: TODO
function example() {}
Example of correct code:
// Fix the actual type error
const value: string = someFunc();
// If suppression is necessary, provide detailed explanation
// @ts-expect-error: TS2532 - Object is potentially undefined, but we verify this earlier
const length = maybeString!.length;
// Use ts-check to enable rather than disable checks
// @ts-check
function example(x: number) {
return x + 1;
// Detailed explanation of workaround
// @ts-expect-error: TS1234 because the library definition is missing this overload