Pattern: Object stringification without custom toString() method
Issue: -
When objects are stringified (via string concatenation, template literals, or String constructor), JavaScript calls toString(). Without a custom toString() method, objects default to "[object Object]" which is rarely the intended output and can mask important information.
Example of incorrect code:
// String concatenation with default toString
'' + {};
// Template literals with default toString
class MyClass {}
const value = new MyClass();
`Value: ${value}`;
// Explicit calls to default methods
// Array join with objects using default toString
[{}, new MyClass()].join('');
Example of correct code:
// These types have meaningful toString methods
'Text' + true;
`Value: ${123}`;
`Arrays too: ${[1, 2, 3]}`;
(() => {}).toString();
// Custom toString implementation
class CustomToString {
toString() {
return 'Hello, world!';
`Value: ${new CustomToString()}`;
// Object literal with toString
const literalWithToString = {
toString: () => 'Hello, world!',
`Value: ${literalWithToString}`;
// Use JSON.stringify for objects without toString
const obj = { key: 'value' };
`Object: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`;