Pattern: Empty function body without explanation
Issue: -
Empty functions can indicate incomplete implementation or unnecessary code. While there are valid cases for empty functions (like interface implementation stubs or overrides), unexplained empty functions often indicate a mistake or missing implementation.
Example of incorrect code:
// Empty functions without purpose
function doNothing() {}
const noop = () => {};
class Example {
method() {}
get value() {}
set value(v) {}
// Empty event handlers
element.onclick = function() {};
button.addEventListener('click', () => {});
Example of correct code:
// Protected/private constructors can be empty
class Utility {
private constructor() {}
// Empty override is valid when configured
class Child extends Parent {
override method() {}
// Decorated empty methods are valid when configured
class API {
openConnection() {}
// Explicit interface implementation
class Handler implements IHandler {
handle(): void {}
// Using proper stubs/mocks in tests
const mockFunction = jest.fn();
const spy = sinon.spy();
// Empty handlers with comments explaining purpose
function noop() {
// Used as default callback