Pattern: Unhandled Promise result
Issue: -
A floating (unhandled) Promise can lead to unexpected behavior, timing issues, and unhandled rejections. Any Promise-returning function should have its result handled through await, .then()/.catch() handlers, returned to caller, or explicitly marked as ignored with void operator.
Example of incorrect code:
// Unhandled promise
// Incomplete error handling
promise.then(success => {
// only handling success
// Missing error handler
promise.finally(() => {
// cleanup without error handling
// Array of promises without Promise.all
async function processItems(items: number[]) { item => process(item));
// Unhandled async arrow function
const handler = async () => {
throw new Error('Failed');
element.onclick = handler;
Example of correct code:
// Using await
await asyncFunction();
// Complete error handling
success => { /* handle success */ },
error => { /* handle error */ }
// Proper catch handler
promise.catch(error => {
// handle error
// Void operator for intentionally ignored promises
void asyncFunction();
// Returning promise to caller
async function processData() {
return asyncFunction();
// Proper array promise handling
async function processItems(items: number[]) {
await Promise.all( item => process(item)));
// Error handler with finally
try {
await riskyOperation();
} finally {
// cleanup