Pattern: Consecutive string concatenation
Issue: -
Catches concatenation of two string literals on the same line. These can be safely joined. Java compiler will join two String literals together and place them in the Constant Pool. However, Groovy will not because the plus()
method may override the +
// Violations
def a = 'Hello' + 'World' // should be 'HelloWorld'
def b = "$Hello" + 'World' // should be "${Hello}World"
def c = 'Hello' + "$World" // should be "Hello${World}"
def d = 'Hello' + 5 // should be 'Hello5'
def e = 'Hello' + '''
world // should be joined
def f = '''Hello
''' + 'world' // should be joined
// Not Violations
def g = 'Hello' + // OK because of line break
def h = 'Hello' + null // OK because not a string
def i = 'Hello' + method() // OK because not a string
def j = 'Hello' - "$World" // OK because not +