Pattern: Invalid field name
Issue: -
Verifies that the name of each field matches a regular expression. By default it checks that fields that are not static final have field names that start with a lowercase letter and contains only letters or numbers. By default, static final field names start with an uppercase letter and contain only uppercase letters, numbers and underscores.
NOTE: This rule checks only regular fields of a class, not properties. In Groovy, properties are fields declared with no access modifier (public, protected, private). Thus, this rule only checks fields that specify an access modifier. For naming of properties, see PropertyNameRule
Property | Description | Default Value |
regex | Specifies the default regular expression used to validate the field name. It is required and cannot be null or empty. | /[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*/ |
finalRegex | Specifies the regular expression used to validate final field names. It is optional. If not set, then final fields that are non-static are validated using regex. |
null |
staticRegex | Specifies the regular expression used to validate static field names. It is optional. If not set, then static fields that are non-final are validated using regex. |
null |
staticFinalRegex | Specifies the regular expression used to validate static final field names. It is optional. If not set, then static final fields are validated using finalRegex, staticRegex or regex. |
/[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*/ |
ignoreFieldNames | Specifies one or more (comma-separated) field names that should be ignored (i.e., that should not cause a rule violation). The names may optionally contain wildcards (*,?). | serialVersionUID |
The order of precedence for the regular expression properties is: staticFinalRegex, finalRegex, staticRegex and finally regex. In other words, the first regex in that list matching the modifiers for the field is the one that is applied for the field name validation.