Pattern: Use of double
Issue: -
Checks for use of the double
or java.lang.Double
types, in fields, variables, method parameters, constructor parameters and method return types.
Prefer using BigDecimal or int or long, when exact calculations are required. This is due to the limitations and gotchas of the floating point representation
of the double type. This is especially important for monetary calculations.
Example of violations:
class CustomClass {
int count
double doubleProperty // Violation: Property (field) type
private Double doubleField = 1.2 // Violation: Field type
private double calculateAverage() { return 0 } // Violation: Method return type
protected void setAverage(Double average) { } // Violation: Method parameter type
MyClass(int count, double rating, double factor) { // Violation: Constructor parameter
String name = 'abc'
Double doubleVar = calculateAverage() // Violation: Variable
double double1, double2 = 0 // Violation: Variable