Pattern: Malformed space after }
Issue: -
Checks that there is at least one space (blank) or whitespace after each closing brace ({
) for method/class/interface declarations, closure expressions and block statements.
A closure expression followed by a dot operator (.
), a comma, a closing parenthesis, the spread-dot operator (*.
), a semicolon or the null-safe operator (?.
) does not cause a violation.
Property | Description | Default Value |
checkClosureMapEntryValue | If false , then do not check for whitespace after closing braces for closure expressions that are literal Map values, e.g. [abc:doStuff()] . |
true |
Known limitations:
- May not catch actual violations if the source line contains unicode character literals, e.g.
Examples of violations and exceptions:
if (ready) { return 9 }else { } // violation
try { doStuff() }finally { } // violation
def matching = list.find { it.isReady() }.filter() // no violation for dot operator
assert list.every { it.isReady() }, "Error" // no violation for comma
def m = [a:123, b:{ println 7 },c:99] // no violation for comma
processItems( { it.isReady() }) // no violation for closing parenthesis
def names = records.findAll { it.age > 1 }*.name // no violation for spread operator
list?.collect { it?.type }?.join(',') // no violation for null-safe operator