Pattern: Malformed space around operator
Issue: -
Checks that there is at least one space (blank) or whitespace around each binary operator, including: +, -, *, /, >>, <<, &&, ||, &, |, ?:, =, "as".
Does not check dot ('.') operator. Does not check unary operators (!, +, -, ++, --, ?.). Does not check array ('[') operator.
Known limitations:
- Does not catch violations of missing space around equals operator (=) within a declaration expression, e.g.
def x=23
- Does not catch violations of certain ternary expressions and standalone elvis operator (?:) expressions
Examples of violations:
def someMethod() {
3+ 5-x*23/ 100 // violation
list \<\<123 // violation
other\>\> writer // violation
x=99 // violation
x&& y // violation
x ||y // violation
x &y // violation
x| y // violation
[1,2]as String // violation