Pattern: Synchronized on boxed primitive
Issue: -
The code synchronizes on a boxed primitive constant, such as an Integer. Since Integer objects can be cached and shared, this code could be synchronizing on the same object as other, unrelated code, leading to unresponsiveness and possible deadlock.
Example of violations:
class SomeClass {
Byte byte1 = 100
Short short1 = 1
Double double1 = 1
Integer integer1 = 1
Long long1 = 1
Float float1 = 1
Character char1 = 1
byte byte2 = getValue()
short short2 = getValue()
double double2 = getValue()
int integer2 = getValue()
long long2 = getValue()
float float2 = getValue()
char char2 = getValue()
def byte3 = new Byte((byte)100)
def short3 = new Short((short)1)
def double3 = new Double((double)1)
def integer3 = new Integer(1)
def long3 = new Long(1)
def float3 = new Float(1)
def char3 = new Character((char)'1')
def byte4 = 1 as byte
def short4 = 1 as short
def double4 = 1 as double
def integer4 = 1 as int
def long4 = 1 as long
def float4 = 1 as float
def char4 = 1 as char
def byte5 = 1 as Byte
def short5 = 1 as Short
def double5 = 1 as Double
def integer5 = 1 as Integer
def long5 = 1 as Long
def float5 = 1 as Float
def char5 = 1 as Character
def byte6 = (byte)1
def short6 = (short)1
def double6 = (double)1
def integer6 = (int)1
def long6 = (long)1
def float6 = (float)1
def char6 = (char)1
def method() {
// all of these synchronization blocks produce violations
synchronized(byte1) {}
synchronized(short1) {}
synchronized(double1) {}
synchronized(integer1) {}
synchronized(long1) {}
synchronized(float1) {}
synchronized(char1) {}
synchronized(byte2) {}
synchronized(short2) {}
synchronized(double2) {}
synchronized(integer2) {}
synchronized(long2) {}
synchronized(float2) {}
synchronized(char2) {}
synchronized(byte3) {}
synchronized(short3) {}
synchronized(double3) {}
synchronized(integer3) {}
synchronized(long3) {}
synchronized(float3) {}
synchronized(char3) {}
synchronized(byte4) {}
synchronized(short4) {}
synchronized(double4) {}
synchronized(integer4) {}
synchronized(long4) {}
synchronized(float4) {}
synchronized(char4) {}
synchronized(byte5) {}
synchronized(short5) {}
synchronized(double5) {}
synchronized(integer5) {}
synchronized(long5) {}
synchronized(float5) {}
synchronized(char5) {}
synchronized(byte6) {}
synchronized(short6) {}
synchronized(double6) {}
synchronized(integer6) {}
synchronized(long6) {}
synchronized(float6) {}
synchronized(char6) {}
And here is an in-depth example of how it works within inner classes and such:
class SomeClass {
final String lock = false
def method() {
// violation
synchronized(lock) { }
class SomeClass {
final String lock = false
class SomeInnerClass {
def method() {
// violation
synchronized(lock) { }
class SomeClass {
// implicit typing
final def lock = true
def method() {
// violation
synchronized(lock) { }
class SomeClass {
// implicit typing
final def lock = new Object[0] // correct idiom
def method() {
return new Runnable() {
final def lock = false // shadows parent from inner class
public void run() {
// violation
synchronized(stringLock) { }
class SomeClass {
// implicit typing
final def lock = new Object[0] // correct idiom
class SomeInnerClass {
final def lock = true // shadows parent from inner class
def method() {
// violation
synchronized(stringLock) { }