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67 lines (48 loc) · 2.76 KB

File metadata and controls

67 lines (48 loc) · 2.76 KB

Pattern: Unnecessary package reference

Issue: -


Checks for explicit package reference for classes that Groovy imports by default, such as java.lang.String, java.util.Map and groovy.lang.Closure, as well as classes that were explicitly imported.

You do not need to specify the package for any classes from java.lang, java.util,,, groovy.lang and groovy.util, as well as the classes java.math.BigDecimal and java.math.BigInteger.

Examples of violations include:

// Field types
class SomeClass {
    java.math.BigDecimal amount = 42.10                     // violation

// Within expressions
if (value.class == java.math.BigInteger) { }                // violation
println "isClosure=${v instanceof groovy.lang.Closure}"     // violation
def p = java.lang.Runtime.availableProcessors()             // violation

// Constructor calls
def url = new'')        // violation

// Variable types
void doSomething() {
    java.math.BigInteger maxValue = 0                       // violation uri                                        // violation

// Method return types getReader() { }                              // violation
groovy.util.AntBuilder getAntBuilder() { }                  // violation

// Method parameter types
void writeCount( writer, int count) { }       // violation
void init(String name, groovy.lang.Binding binding) { }     // violation

// Closure parameter types
def writeCount = { writer, int count -> }    // violation

// Extends and implements
class SomeHashMap extends java.util.HashMap { }               // violation
class SomeList implements java.util.List { }                  // violation

// Explicitly imported classes
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie
import javax.sql.DataSource

class SomeClass {
    void doStuff(javax.servlet.http.Cookie cookie) {        // violation
        def dataSource = [:] as javax.sql.DataSource        // violation

Known limitations:

  • Does not catch class declarations that explicitly extend java.lang.Object. For instance, class SomeClass extends java.lang.Object . Just don't do that, okay?
  • Does not catch class declarations that explicitly extend groovy.lang.Script. For instance, class SomeScript extends groovy.lang.Script . Don't do that, either!
  • Does not catch unnecessary package references if they are the types of anonymous inner class definitions, for older versions of Groovy ( 1.7.10?). For instance, <<<def runnable = new java.lang.Runnable() ...>>.

Further Reading