Pattern: Unnecessary ;
Issue: -
Semicolons as line terminators are not required in Groovy: remove them. Do not use a semicolon as a replacement for empty braces on for and while loops; this is a confusing practice.
The rule contains a String property called excludePattern
. Any source code line matching this pattern will not trigger a violation. The default value is '\s?\*.*|/\*.*|.*//.*|.*\*/.*' This is to filter out comments. Any source line that even looks like it is a comment is ignored.
\s?*.* == whitespace plus star character plus anything /*.* == any line that contains the /* sequence .*//.* == any line that contains the // sequence .**/.* == any line that contains the */ sequence
Example of violations:
package; // violation
import java.lang.String; // violation
println(value) ; // violation
for (def x : list); // violation
// this code is OK
println(value); println (otherValue)