Pattern: Malformed semicolon for class property
Issue: -
This rule enforces consistent use of semicolons for class properties.
This rule has a single string optio:
(default) requires semicolons at the end of a class property"never"
disallows semicolons as the end of a class property
Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default "always"
/*eslint class-property/class-property-semicolon: ["error", "always"]*/
class MyClass {
classProperty = 'foo'
Examples of correct code for this rule with the default "always"
/*eslint class-property/class-property-semicolon: ["error", "always"]*/
class MyClass {
classProperty = 'foo';
Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "never"
/*eslint class-property/class-property-semicolon: ["error", "never"]*/
class MyClass {
classProperty = 'foo';
Examples of correct code for this rule with the "never"
/*eslint class-property/class-property-semicolon: ["error", "never"]*/
class MyClass {
classProperty = 'foo'