Pattern: File name not matching default exported value
Issue: -
Match the file name against the default exported value in the module. Files that don't have a default export will
be ignored. The exports of index.js
are matched against their parent directory.
// Considered problem only if the file isn't named foo.js or foo/index.js
export default function foo() {}
// Considered problem only if the file isn't named Foo.js or Foo/index.js
module.exports = class Foo() {}
// Considered problem only if the file isn't named someVariable.js or someVariable/index.js
module.exports = someVariable;
// Never considered a problem
export default { foo: "bar" };
If your filename policy doesn't quite match with your variable naming policy, you can add one or multiple transforms:
"filenames/match-exported": [ 2, "kebab" ]
Now, in your code:
// Considered problem only if file isn't named variable-name.js or variable-name/index.js
export default function variableName;
Available transforms: 'snake', 'kebab', 'camel', and 'pascal' (camel-cased with first letter in upper case).
For multiple transforms simply specify an array like this (null in this case stands for no transform):
"filenames/match-exported": [2, [ null, "kebab", "snake" ] ]
If you prefer to use suffixes for your files (e.g. Foo.react.js
for a React component file),
you can use a second configuration parameter. It allows you to remove parts of a filename matching a regex pattern
before transforming and matching against the export.
"filenames/match-exported": [ 2, null, "\\.react$" ]
Now, in your code:
// Considered problem only if file isn't named variableName.react.js, variableName.js or variableName/index.js
export default function variableName;