Pattern: Invalid JSDoc param name
Issue: -
Ensures that parameter names in JSDoc match those in the function declaration.
If set to true
, this option will allow extra @param
definitions (e.g.,
representing future expected or virtual params) to be present without needing
their presence within the function signature. Other inconsistencies between
's and present function parameters will still be reported.
Context | ArrowFunctionExpression , FunctionDeclaration , FunctionExpression |
Options | allowExtraTrailingParamDocs |
Tags | param |
The following patterns are considered problems:
* @param Foo
function quux (foo = 'FOO') {
// Message: Expected @param names to be "foo". Got "Foo".
* @arg Foo
function quux (foo = 'FOO') {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":"arg"}}}
// Message: Expected @arg names to be "foo". Got "Foo".
* @param Foo
function quux (foo) {
// Message: Expected @param names to be "foo". Got "Foo".
* @param Foo.Bar
function quux (foo) {
// Message: @param path declaration ("Foo.Bar") appears before any real parameter.
* @param foo
* @param Foo.Bar
function quux (foo) {
// Message: @param path declaration ("Foo.Bar") root node name ("Foo") does not match previous real parameter name ("foo").
* Assign the project to a list of employees.
* @param {string} employees[].name - The name of an employee.
* @param {string} employees[].department - The employee's department.
function assign (employees) {
// Message: @param path declaration ("employees[].name") appears before any real parameter.
* Assign the project to a list of employees.
* @param {string} employees[].name - The name of an employee.
* @param {string} employees[].name - The employee's department.
function assign (employees) {
// Message: Duplicate @param "employees[].name"
* @param foo
* @param
* @param bar
function quux (bar, foo) {
// Message: Expected @param names to be "bar, foo". Got "foo, bar".
* @param foo
* @param bar
function quux (foo) {
// Message: @param "bar" does not match an existing function parameter.
* @param foo
* @param foo
function quux (foo) {
// Message: Duplicate @param "foo"
* @param foo
* @param foo
function quux (foo, bar) {
// Message: Duplicate @param "foo"
* @param foo
* @param foo
function quux (foo, foo) {
// Message: Duplicate @param "foo"
* @param cfg
* @param
* @param
function quux ({foo, bar}) {
// Message: Duplicate @param ""
* @param cfg
* @param
* @param []
* @param baz
function quux ({foo, bar}, baz) {
// Message: Duplicate @param ""
* @param cfg
* @param
* @param ["with a default"]
* @param baz
function quux ({foo, bar}, baz) {
// Message: Duplicate @param ""
export class SomeClass {
* @param prop
constructor(private property: string) {}
// Message: Expected @param names to be "property". Got "prop".
* @param foo
function quux (foo) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@param`
* @param {Error} error Exit code
* @param {number} [code = 1] Exit code
function quux (error, cde = 1) {
// Message: Expected @param names to be "error, cde". Got "error, code".
The following patterns are not considered problems:
function quux (foo) {
* @param foo
function quux (foo) {
* @param foo
* @param bar
function quux (foo, bar) {
* @param foo
* @param bar
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {
* @param foo
* @param
* @param bar
function quux (foo, bar) {
* @param args
function quux (...args) {
* @param foo
function quux ({a, b}) {
* @param foo
* @param
* @param foo.baz
* @param bar
function quux (foo, bar) {
* @param args
function quux ({a, b} = {}) {
* @param foo
function quux ([a, b] = []) {
* Assign the project to a list of employees.
* @param {object[]} employees - The employees who are responsible for the project.
* @param {string} employees[].name - The name of an employee.
* @param {string} employees[].department - The employee's department.
function assign (employees) {
export class SomeClass {
* @param property
constructor(private property: string) {}
* @param {Error} error Exit code
* @param {number} [code = 1] Exit code
function quux (error, code = 1) {
* @param foo
* @param bar
function quux (foo) {
// Options: [{"allowExtraTrailingParamDocs":true}]
does not validate names of parameters in function deconstruction, e.g.
* @param foo
function quux ({
}) {
{a, b}
is an ObjectPattern
AST type and does not have a name. Therefore, the associated parameter in JSDoc block can have any name.
Likewise for the pattern [a, b]
which is an ArrayPattern