Pattern: Malformed asterisk prefix
Issue: -
This rule allows an optional string argument. If it is "always"
then a
problem is raised when there is no asterisk prefix on a given jsdoc line. If
it is "never"
then a problem is raised when there is an asterisk present.
The default value is "always"
. You may also set the default to "any"
and use the tags
option to apply to specific tags only.
The following patterns are considered problems:
@param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// Message: Expected JSDoc line to have the prefix.
@param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "any",{"tags":{"always":["param"]}}]
// Message: Expected JSDoc line to have the prefix.
* Desc
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// Message: Expected JSDoc line to have the prefix.
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// Message: Expected JSDoc line to have the prefix.
* Desc
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "never"]
// Message: Expected JSDoc line to have no prefix.
@param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "always",{"tags":{"any":["someOtherTag"]}}]
// Message: Expected JSDoc line to have the prefix.
* @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "never",{"tags":{"always":["someOtherTag"]}}]
// Message: Expected JSDoc line to have no prefix.
* @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "always",{"tags":{"never":["param"]}}]
// Message: Expected JSDoc line to have no prefix.
@param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "never",{"tags":{"always":["param"]}}]
// Message: Expected JSDoc line to have the prefix.
@param {Number} foo
*/function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// Message: Expected JSDoc line to have the prefix.
* @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "never"]
// Message: Expected JSDoc line to have no prefix.
*@param {Number} foo
*/function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "never"]
// Message: Expected JSDoc line to have no prefix.
The following patterns are not considered problems:
* Desc
* @param {Number} foo
* This is more comment.
function quux (foo) {
* Desc
* @param {{
* foo: Bar,
* bar: Baz
* }} foo
function quux (foo) {
/* <- JSDoc must start with 2 stars.
So this is unchecked.
function quux (foo) {}
/** @param {Number} foo */
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
@param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "always",{"tags":{"any":["param"]}}]
* @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "never",{"tags":{"always":["param"]}}]
* @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "always",{"tags":{"never":["someOtherTag"]}}]
@param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "always",{"tags":{"never":["param"]}}]
@param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "never",{"tags":{"always":["someOtherTag"]}}]
* Desc
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "never",{"tags":{"any":["*description"]}}]
* Desc
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "always",{"tags":{"any":["*description"]}}]
@param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
// with spaces
// "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": ["error"|"warn", "any",{"tags":{"always":["someOtherTag"]}}]