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671 lines (511 loc) · 10.4 KB

File metadata and controls

671 lines (511 loc) · 10.4 KB

Pattern: Missing complete sentence for description

Issue: -


Requires that block description, explicit @description, and @param/@returns tag descriptions are written in complete sentences, i.e.,

  • Description must start with an uppercase alphabetical character.
  • Paragraphs must start with an uppercase alphabetical character.
  • Sentences must end with a period.
  • Every line in a paragraph (except the first) which starts with an uppercase character must be preceded by a line ending with a period.
  • A colon or semi-colon followed by two line breaks is still part of the containing paragraph (unlike normal dual line breaks).
  • Text within inline tags {...} are not checked for sentence divisions.
  • Periods after items within the abbreviations option array are not treated as sentence endings.



If you want additional tags to be checked for their descriptions, you may add them within this option.

  'jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence': ['error', {tags: ['see', 'copyright']}]

The tags @param/@arg/@argument and @property/@prop will be properly parsed to ensure that the checked "description" text includes only the text after the name.

All other tags will treat the text following the tag name, a space, and an optional curly-bracketed type expression (and another space) as part of its "description" (e.g., for @returns {someType} some description, the description is some description while for @some-tag xyz, the description is xyz).


You can provide an abbreviations options array to avoid such strings of text being treated as sentence endings when followed by dots. The . is not necessary at the end of the array items.

Context everywhere
Tags doc block, param, returns, description, property, summary, file, classdesc, todo, deprecated, throws, 'yields' and others added by tags
Aliases arg, argument, return, desc, prop, fileoverview, overview, exception, yield
Options tags, abbreviations
The following patterns are considered problems:
 * foo.
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * foo?
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * @description foo.
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo)
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * `foo` is a variable
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * Foo.
 * foo.
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * тест.
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * Foo
 * Bar.
function quux () {

// Message: A line of text is started with an uppercase character, but preceding line does not end the sentence.

 * Foo.
 * @param foo foo.
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo.
 * @param foo bar
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * {@see} buz
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo.
 * @returns {number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo.
 * @returns foo.
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. pellentesque elit diam,
 * iaculis eu dignissim sed, ultrices sed nisi. nulla at ligula auctor, consectetur neque sed,
 * tincidunt nibh. vivamus sit amet vulputate ligula. vivamus interdum elementum nisl,
 * vitae rutrum tortor semper ut. morbi porta ante vitae dictum fermentum.
 * proin ut nulla at quam convallis gravida in id elit. sed dolor mauris, blandit quis ante at,
 * consequat auctor magna. duis pharetra purus in porttitor mollis.
function longDescription (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * @arg {number} foo - Foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * @argument {number} foo - Foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * @return {number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Returns bar.
 * @return {number} bar
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * @throws {object} Hello World
 * hello world
// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * @summary Foo
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * @throws {SomeType} Foo
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * @see Foo
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":["see"]}]
// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * @param foo Foo bar
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":false}}}
// Options: [{"tags":["param"]}]
// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * Sorry, but this isn't a complete sentence, Mr.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"abbreviations":["Mr"]}]
// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * Sorry, but this isn't a complete sentence Mr.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"abbreviations":["Mr."]}]
// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * Sorry, but this isn't a complete sentence Mr. 
function quux () {

// Options: [{"abbreviations":["Mr"]}]
// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * Sorry, but this isn't a complete sentence Mr. and Mrs.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"abbreviations":["Mr","Mrs"]}]
// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * This is a complete sentence. But this isn't, Mr.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"abbreviations":["Mr"]}]
// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * This is a complete Mr. sentence. But this isn't, Mr.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"abbreviations":["Mr"]}]
// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * This is a complete Mr. sentence.
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * This is fun, i.e. enjoyable, but not superlatively so, e.g. not
 * super, wonderful, etc..
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Do not have dynamic content; e.g. homepage. Here a simple unique id
 * suffices.
 function quux () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param foo - Foo.
function quux () {


 * Foo.
function quux () {


 * Foo.
 * Bar.
function quux () {


 * Foo.
 * Bar.
function quux () {


 * Тест.
function quux () {


 * Foo
 * bar.
function quux () {


 * @returns Foo bar.
function quux () {


 * Foo. {@see Math.sin}.
function quux () {


 * Foo {@see Math.sin} bar.
function quux () {


 * Foo?
 * Bar!
 * Baz:
 *   1. Foo.
 *   2. Bar.
function quux () {


 * Hello:
 * World.
function quux () {


 * Hello: world.
function quux () {


function quux () {


 * @description Foo.
function quux () {


 * `foo` is a variable.
function quux () {


 * Foo.
 * `foo`.
function quux () {


 * @param foo - `bar`.
function quux () {


 * @returns {number} `foo`.
function quux () {


 * Foo
 * `bar`.
function quux () {


 * @example Foo
function quux () {


 * @see Foo
function quux () {


 * Foo.
 * @param foo Foo.
function quux (foo) {


 * Foo.
 * @param foo Foo.
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"tags":["param"]}]

 * @param foo Foo bar.
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":false}}}
// Options: [{"tags":["param"]}]

function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":false}}}

* We stop loading Items when we have loaded:
* 1) The main Item;
* 2) All its variants.

 * This method is working on 2 steps.
 * | Step | Comment     |
 * |------|-------------|
 * |   1  | do it       |
 * |   2  | do it again |

 * This is something that
 * I want to test.
function quux () {


 * When making HTTP requests, the
 * URL is super important.
function quux () {


 * Sorry, but this isn't a complete sentence, Mr.
function quux () {


 * Sorry, but this isn't a complete sentence Mr..
function quux () {

// Options: [{"abbreviations":["Mr."]}]

 * Sorry, but this isn't a complete sentence Mr. 
function quux () {


 * Sorry, but this isn't a complete sentence Mr. and Mrs..
function quux () {

// Options: [{"abbreviations":["Mr","Mrs"]}]

 * This is a complete sentence aMr.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"abbreviations":["Mr"]}]

 * This is a complete sentence. But this isn't, Mr.
function quux () {


 * This is a complete Mr. Sentence. But this isn't, Mr.
function quux () {


 * This is a complete Mr. sentence.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"abbreviations":["Mr"]}]

 * This is fun, i.e. enjoyable, but not superlatively so, e.g. not
 * super, wonderful, etc..
function quux () {

// Options: [{"abbreviations":["etc","e.g.","i.e."]}]

* Do not have dynamic content; e.g. homepage. Here a simple unique id
* suffices.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"abbreviations":["etc","e.g.","i.e."]}]

Further Reading