Pattern: Malformed @yields
Issue: -
Ensures that if a @yields
is present that a yield
(or yield
with a
value) is present in the function body (or that if a @next
is present that
there is a yield
with a return value present).
Please also note that JavaScript does allow generators not to have yield
(e.g., with just a return or even no explicit return), but if you want to
enforce that all generators (except wholly empty ones) have a yield
in the
function body, you can use the ESLint
rule. In
conjunction with this, you can also use the checkGeneratorsOnly
as an optimization so that this rule won't need to do its own checking within
function bodies.
Will also report if multiple @yields
tags are present.
The following patterns are considered problems:
* @yields
function * quux (foo) {
// Message: JSDoc @yields declaration present but yield expression not available in function.
* @yields
function quux (foo) {
// "jsdoc/require-yields-check": ["error"|"warn", {"checkGeneratorsOnly":true}]
// Message: JSDoc @yields declaration present but yield expression not available in function.
* @next
function quux (foo) {
// "jsdoc/require-yields-check": ["error"|"warn", {"checkGeneratorsOnly":true,"next":true}]
// Message: JSDoc @next declaration present but yield expression with return value not available in function.
* @next {SomeType}
function * quux (foo) {
// "jsdoc/require-yields-check": ["error"|"warn", {"next":true}]
// Message: JSDoc @next declaration present but yield expression with return value not available in function.
* @next {SomeType}
function * quux (foo) {
// "jsdoc/require-yields-check": ["error"|"warn", {"next":true}]
// Message: JSDoc @next declaration present but yield expression with return value not available in function.
* @next {SomeType}
function * quux (foo) {
yield 5;
// "jsdoc/require-yields-check": ["error"|"warn", {"next":true}]
// Message: JSDoc @next declaration present but yield expression with return value not available in function.
* @yield
function * quux (foo) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"yields":"yield"}}}
// Message: JSDoc @yield declaration present but yield expression not available in function.
* @yield-returns {Something}
function * quux (foo) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"next":"yield-returns"}}}
// "jsdoc/require-yields-check": ["error"|"warn", {"next":true}]
// Message: JSDoc @yield-returns declaration present but yield expression with return value not available in function.
* @yields {undefined} Foo.
* @yields {String} Foo.
function * quux () {
yield foo;
// Message: Found more than one @yields declaration.
class Foo {
* @yields {string}
* bar () {
// Message: JSDoc @yields declaration present but yield expression not available in function.
* @yields
function * quux () {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"yields":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@yields`
* @next
function * quux () {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"next":false}}}
// "jsdoc/require-yields-check": ["error"|"warn", {"next":true}]
// Message: Unexpected tag `@next`
* @yields {string}
function * f () {
function * g() {
yield 'foo'
// Message: JSDoc @yields declaration present but yield expression not available in function.
* @yields {Promise<void>}
async function * quux() {}
// Message: JSDoc @yields declaration present but yield expression not available in function.
* @yields {Promise<void>}
const quux = async function * () {}
// Message: JSDoc @yields declaration present but yield expression not available in function.
The following patterns are not considered problems:
* @yields Foo.
function * quux () {
yield foo;
* @yields {string} Foo.
function * quux () {
yield foo;
* @yields {string} Foo.
function * quux () {
yield foo;
function * quux () {
* @yields {undefined} Foo.
function * quux () {}
* @yields { void } Foo.
function quux () {}
* @yields Foo.
* @abstract
function * quux () {
throw new Error('must be implemented by subclass!');
* @yields Foo.
* @virtual
function * quux () {
throw new Error('must be implemented by subclass!');
* @yields Foo.
* @constructor
function * quux () {
* @interface
class Foo {
* @yields {string}
* bar () {
* @record
class Foo {
* @yields {string}
* bar () {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"mode":"closure"}}
* @yields {undefined} Foo.
function * quux () {
* @yields {void} Foo.
function * quux () {
* @yields {void} Foo.
function * quux () {
yield undefined;
* @yields {void} Foo.
function * quux () {
function * quux () {
yield undefined;
function * quux () {
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
try {
yield true;
} catch (err) {
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
try {
} finally {
yield true;
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
try {
} catch (err) {
yield true;
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
try {
} catch (err) {
yield true;
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
switch (true) {
case 'abc':
yield true;
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
switch (true) {
case 'abc':
yield true;
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
for (const i of abc) {
yield true;
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
for (const a in b) {
yield true;
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
for (let i=0; i<n; i+=1) {
yield true;
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
while(true) {
yield true
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
do {
yield true
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
if (true) {
yield true;
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
if (true) {
yield true;
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
var a = {};
with (a) {
yield true;
* @yields {true}
function * quux () {
if (true) {
} else {
yield true;
* @next {void}
function * quux (foo) {
// "jsdoc/require-yields-check": ["error"|"warn", {"next":true}]
* @next {SomeType}
function * quux (foo) {
const a = yield;
// "jsdoc/require-yields-check": ["error"|"warn", {"next":true}]
* @next {SomeType}
function * quux (foo) {
const a = yield 5;
// "jsdoc/require-yields-check": ["error"|"warn", {"next":true}]
## Further Reading
* [eslint-plugin-jsdoc - require-yields-check](