Pattern: Potentially falsey value in logical AND expression
Issue: -
Forbids the usage of potentially falsey string or number values in logical && expressions. Oftentimes, these logical expressions are used in jsx to enable conditional rendering behavior.
However, one can encounter unexpected behavior when a 0 or empty string values is returned as the result of the expression and rendered accidentally.
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
// Potentially falsey strings are not allowed
let str = '';
<App>{str && <Foo />}</App>;
// Potentially falsey numbers are not allowed
let num = 0;
<App>{num && <Foo />}</App>;
// Includes types that may be a string or number
let thisOrThat: Record<any, any> | string | number;
<App>{thisOrThat && <Foo />}</App>;
Examples of correct code for this rule:
// Coalescing to boolean is ok
let str = "Foo";
<App>{!!str && <Foo />}</App>;
// Turning into a boolean is ok
let str = "Foo";
<App>{Boolean(str) && <Foo />}</App>;
// Constant values are ok
const str = "Foo";
<App>{str && <Foo />}</App>;
// Constant values are ok
const num = 1;
<App>{num && <Foo />}</App>;
type Options = [
allowString?: boolean;
allowNumber?: boolean;
defaultOptions: [
allowString: false,
allowNumber: false,