Pattern: Element contradicting an assertion
Issue: -
This rule reports elements that contradict an assertion. All elements reported by this rule fall into one of two categories:
An element/alternative that can never be entered. This means that the element is dead code and can be removed.
An element that is always entered. Right now, only quantifiers with a minimum of 0 are reported in this category. They are contradictory because the minimum of 0 is changed by the assertion to be effectively 1.
/* eslint regexp/no-contradiction-with-assertion: "error" */
/* ✓ GOOD */
var foo = /a\b-a/;
var foo = /a\ba/;
/* ✗ BAD */
var foo = /a\b-?a/;
var foo = /a\b(a|-)/;
var foo = /a\ba*-/;