Pattern: Use of variable or function
declaration in nested block
Issue: -
This rule requires that function declarations and, optionally, variable declarations be in the root of a program or the body of a function.
This rule extends the base ESLint's no-inner-declarations rule. The AST generated by svelte-eslint-parser will false positives in no-inner-declarations rule because the root node of the script is not the Program
This rule supports svelte-eslint-parser's AST.
/* eslint svelte/no-inner-declarations: "error" */
/* ✓ GOOD */
function doSomething() {}
function doSomethingElse() {
function doAnotherThing() {}
/* ✗ BAD */
if (test) {
function doSomethingBad() {}
"svelte/no-inner-declarations": [
"functions" // or "both"
Same as no-inner-declarations rule option. See here for details.
This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-svelte v0.0.8