Pattern: Use of the store itself as an operand
Issue: -
This rule disallow to use of the store itself as an operand.
You should access the store value using the $
prefix or the get
/* eslint svelte/require-store-reactive-access: "error" */
import { writable, get } from 'svelte/store';
const storeValue = writable('world');
const color = writable('red');
/* ✓ GOOD */
$: message = `Hello ${$storeValue}`;
/* ✗ BAD */
$: message = `Hello ${storeValue}`;
<!-- ✓ GOOD -->
<p class={$storeValue} />
<p style:color={$color} />
<MyComponent prop="Hello {$storeValue}" />
<MyComponent bind:this={$storeValue} />
<MyComponent --style-props={$storeValue} />
<MyComponent {...$storeValue} />
<!-- ✗ BAD -->
<p class={storeValue} />
<p style:color />
<MyComponent prop="Hello {storeValue}" />
<MyComponent bind:this={storeValue} />
<MyComponent --style-props={storeValue} />
<MyComponent {...storeValue} />
This rule checks the usage of store variables only if the store can be determined within a single file.
However, when using @typescript-eslint/parser
and full type information, this rule uses the type information to determine if the expression is a store.
// fileName: my-stores.ts
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
export const storeValue = writable('hello');
<script lang="ts">
/* eslint svelte/require-store-reactive-access: "error" */
import { storeValue } from './my-stores';
<!-- ✓ GOOD -->
<!-- ✗ BAD -->
This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-svelte v2.12.0