Pattern: Use of bare string in <template>
Issue: -
In order to be able to internationalize your application, you will need to avoid using plain strings in your templates. Instead, you would need to use a template helper specializing in translation.
<!-- ✓ GOOD -->
<h1>{{ $t('') }}</h1>
<h1>{{ foo }}</h1>
<h1 v-t="''"></h1>
<!-- ✗ BAD -->
<h1>Lorem ipsum</h1>
title="Lorem ipsum"
aria-label="Lorem ipsum"
aria-placeholder="Lorem ipsum"
aria-roledescription="Lorem ipsum"
aria-valuetext="Lorem ipsum"
<img alt="Lorem ipsum">
<input placeholder="Lorem ipsum">
<h1 v-text="'Lorem ipsum'" />
<!-- Does not check -->
<h1>{{ 'Lorem ipsum' }}</h1>
v-bind:title="'Lorem ipsum'"
This rule does not check for string literals, in bindings and mustaches interpolation. This is because it looks like a conscious decision.
If you want to report these string literals, enable the [vue/no-useless-v-bind] and [vue/no-useless-mustaches] rules and fix the useless string literals.
"vue/no-bare-strings-in-template": ["error", {
"allowlist": [
"(", ")", ",", ".", "&", "+", "-", "=", "*", "/", "#", "%", "!", "?", ":", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<", ">", "\u00b7", "\u2022", "\u2010", "\u2013", "\u2014", "\u2212", "|"
"attributes": {
"/.+/": ["title", "aria-label", "aria-placeholder", "aria-roledescription", "aria-valuetext"],
"input": ["placeholder"],
"img": ["alt"]
"directives": ["v-text"]
... An array of allowed strings.attributes
... An object whose keys are tag name or patterns and value is an array of attributes to check for that tag name.directives
... An array of directive names to check literal value.