Pattern: Malformed v-on
Issue: -
This rule reports v-on
directives in the following cases:
- The directive does not have that event name. E.g.
<div v-on="foo"></div>
- The directive has invalid modifiers. E.g.
<div v-on:click.bbb="foo"></div>
- The directive does not have that attribute value and any verb modifiers. E.g.
<div v-on:click></div>
<!-- ✓ GOOD -->
<div v-on="foo"/>
<div v-on:click="foo"/>
<div @click="foo"/>
<div @click.left="foo"/>
<div @click.prevent/>
<div @click.stop/>
<!-- ✗ BAD -->
<div v-on/>
<div v-on:click/>
<div @click/>
"vue/valid-v-on": ["error", {
"modifiers": []
This rule has an object option:
array of additional allowed modifiers.