Pattern: Use of self-assignment
Issue: -
DON'T assign a variable to itself. Usually this is a mistake.
Example of incorrect code:
class C {
int x;
C(int x) {
x = x;
Example of correct code:
class C {
int x;
C(int x) : x = x;
Example of correct code:
class C {
int x;
C(int x) {
this.x = x;
Example of incorrect code:
class C {
int _x = 5;
int get x => _x;
set x(int x) {
_x = x;
void _customUpdateLogic() {
void example() {
x = x;
Example of correct code:
class C {
int _x = 5;
int get x => _x;
set x(int x) {
_x = x;
void _customUpdateLogic() {
void example() {
Example of incorrect code:
class C {
int x = 5;
void update(C other) {
this.x = this.x;
Example of correct code:
class C {
int x = 5;
void update(C other) {
this.x = other.x;