Pattern: Missing use of final parameter
Issue: -
DO prefer declaring parameters as final if they are not reassigned in the function body.
Declaring parameters as final when possible is a good practice because it helps avoid accidental reassignments.
Example of incorrect code:
void badParameter(String label) { // LINT
Example of correct code:
void goodParameter(final String label) { // OK
Example of incorrect code:
void badExpression(int value) => print(value); // LINT
Example of correct code:
void goodExpression(final int value) => print(value); // OK
Example of incorrect code:
[1, 4, 6, 8].forEach((value) => print(value + 2)); // LINT
Example of correct code:
[1, 4, 6, 8].forEach((final value) => print(value + 2)); // OK
Example of correct code:
void mutableParameter(String label) { // OK
label = 'Hello Linter!';