Pattern: Missing documentation for public member
Issue: -
All non-overriding public members should be documented with ///
doc-style comments.
Example of correct code:
/// A good thing.
abstract class Good {
/// Start doing your thing.
void start() => _start();
Example of incorrect code:
class Bad {
void meh() { }
In case a public member overrides a member it is up to the declaring member
to provide documentation. For example, in the following, Sub
document init
(though it certainly may, if there's need).
Example of correct code:
/// Base of all things.
abstract class Base {
/// Initialize the base.
void init();
/// A sub base.
class Sub extends Base {
void init() { ... }
Note that consistent with dartdoc
, an exception to the rule is made when
documented getters have corresponding undocumented setters. In this case the
setters inherit the docs from the getters.