Pattern: Binary expression with constant result
Issue: -
Some binary expressions always produce the same result due to operator precedence or object reference comparison. This often indicates a programmer error, especially with complex expressions or comparisons to newly constructed objects.
Example of incorrect code:
// Nullish coalescing with constant left side
const x = a + b ?? c; // (a + b) ?? c never uses c
// Comparing with new object
if (x === []) { // Always false
const valid = foo === new RegExp("^[a-z]+$"); // Always false
const same = {} == {}; // Always false
Example of correct code:
const x = a + (b ?? c); // Properly grouped
if (x.length === 0) { // Compare property instead
const regex = /^[a-z]+$/;
const valid = foo === regex;
const obj = {};
const same = obj === obj; // Compare same reference