Pattern: Negation of left operand in relational expression
Issue: -
Negating the left operand of in
or instanceof
operators is usually a mistake. Due to operator precedence, !key in object
is evaluated as (!key) in object
, when the intent was likely !(key in object)
. Similar issues occur with instanceof.
Example of incorrect code:
if (!key in object) {
// Evaluated as (!key) in object
if (!obj instanceof Class) {
// Evaluated as (!obj) instanceof Class
if (!a in b && !c in d) {
// Multiple unsafe negations
const result = !number in range;
Example of correct code:
if (!(key in object)) {
// Properly negates membership test
if (!(obj instanceof Class)) {
// Properly negates instance check
const result = !(number in range);
// Or rewrite without negation
if (obj instanceof Class === false) {
// Alternative to negation