Pattern: Variable declaration without usage
Issue: -
Variables, functions, or type declarations that are never used indicate dead code or incomplete refactoring. A variable is considered used when it's read, called, constructed, passed as an argument, or exported. Just declaring or assigning to a variable doesn't count as usage.
Example of incorrect code:
var x;
let y = 5;
const z = 'unused';
function unused(a, b) { // b is never used
return a;
class UnusedClass {}
// TypeScript
type UnusedType = string;
interface UnusedInterface {}
enum UnusedEnum { A, B }
// Write-only variables
let counter = 0;
counter = counter + 1; // Only modified, never read
Example of correct code:
var x = 5;
function used(a, b) {
return a + b;
used(1, 2);
export class UsedClass {}
// TypeScript
type UsedType = string;
const name: UsedType = 'test';
interface Props {
x: number;
function createElement(props: Props) {}
// Reading after write is usage
let counter = 0;
return counter;