Pattern: Irregular whitespace
Issue: -
This rule enforces whitespace usage around an operator, bracket or block opener based on PEP 8 style guide. Warning is raised when any of the following rules is violated:
- Any of the following operators is surrounded by one space:
==, !=, <>, <=, >=, <, >, =, +=, -=, *=, **=, /=, //=, &=, |=, ^=, %=, >>=, <<=
- Any opening bracket (
(, [, {
) is not followed by any space. - Any closing bracket (
), ], }
) is not preceded by any space. - Any comma is not preceded by any space, and is followed by one space.
- Any block opener colon is not preceded by any space.
Example of incorrect code:
if x == 4 : print x , y ; x , y = y , x
Example of correct code:
if x == 4: print x, y; x, y = y, x
The guidelines provided by PEP 8 are intended to improve the readability of code and make it consistent across the wide spectrum of Python code.